My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2374: It turns out that he is Ian (12)

The above has always put pressure on him, and he is a huge pressure on the top of the city bureau, every day.

"That's not it, I may... I can ask a person." Qin Chu thought.


"You don't care about this. If there is news, I will tell you, Lao Gao, I advise you to let your men be smart, investigate the case, and don't irritate Ian, or maybe you will do something." ?"

"I understand what you mean, don't worry..."

"Well, then this is the case." Qin Chu hung up the phone and walked out of the bathroom.

I found that Huo Mian was no longer in the original position, and suddenly I was shocked...

"Ximian?" Qin Chu the whole person panicked.

Seeing no response, Qin Chu is even more anxious...

"Ximian, Xiaomian..." he shouted.

"Mr. Qin? What happened?" The boss of the ramen noodle restaurant immediately came over.

"My wife? Have you seen my wife?"

"Oh, your wife, she just said to me, go to the next door to buy a cup of milk tea. If you come out, let me tell you, wait here for her..."

"Next door?" Qin Chu did not say anything, immediately ran off.

Sure enough, in the small tea shop next door, Huo Mian also partyed behind several students and stood there.

Seeing her nothing, Qin Chu took a long breath.

"Ximian, how did you run here?" Qin Chu stepped forward and took her hand.

"Ah, after eating ramen is a little thirsty, thinking about the outside is very cold, then do not drink cold soda, the tea shop next door is still the same, the taste is very pure, suddenly I miss it, this is not, the whim is coming in line... ...I told the owner of the ramen noodle restaurant and let him tell you."

"Well, he said..." Qin Chu nodded.

"Then you are still so nervous? Husband... You seem to be a little abnormal recently, always nervous..." Huo Mian grinned.

"I don't have it, I just worry about you... I am afraid that you have something."

"What can I do? I am the vice president of the Southern District... The famous doctor Huo..." Huo Mian is proud.

On the shoulders of Qin Chu, I started to narcissistic.

Qin Chu touched her head in a helpless way, but she couldn't help but blame her.

The two couples are behind a few students, waiting to talk and enjoying the most ordinary time.

"Husband, do you still remember? At that time we were at school, I like to drink this tea, because it is cheap and delicious... but I often can't buy it... and then Valentine's Day, you will pay for his family. I bought the milk tea and only gave it to me alone... I don’t want to buy it, I can’t buy it... I can’t finish it alone... It’s a waste...” I think it’s good to think about the student’s time. happy.

Qin Chu nodded, "Well, I thought at that time, as long as you like, I will help you in any case..."

"Then you are too overbearing, you are not allowed to buy it, and the whole package is down for a day... The students of the whole second school are called envy and hate. Lingling also ridiculed me and said, I have to become a milk tea queen, one person. There are so many milk teas... Don’t want to be happy...”

"Well, now if you want to, I can still pack it... I will only give you a drink." Qin Chu looked at his wife.

"Don't... haha, I think it's too naive...we are still quiet, don't do it..." Huo Mian's face was embarrassed and nested in Qin Chu's chest.

Finally it was their turn, Huo Mian only ordered a cup of original milk tea, the price is more than double the price of the year, a cup of 12 dollars, just pitted, but the taste has not changed.

Huo Mian inserted the straw into it and handed it to Qin Chu’s mouth. Meng Meng’s eyes looked at her husband’s spoiled. “Hus husband, drink first...”

Not far away, in the black car, Ian sighs in pure English. "No wonder Huo will be obsessed. It seems that she is really cute..."

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