My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2387: Lu smoke is angry, the consequences are serious (5)

"BOSS... You actually... use ghost 1?"


"But you should know the power of Ghost 1... Will it cause turmoil?"

"This is the bomb I have researched. I don't know the power? Let you do it, you can do it, there are so many nonsense..." Lu smoke is angry.


"Further say, you will disappear with the ghost No. 1 on the earth..." Lu Yan ordered.

"Amount... well, BOSS, I will do it right away."

After five hours

Ian just walked into a bar and had not waited for it to sit still.

"Adults, half an hour ago, the Indonesian branch was bombarded by unknown enemies, and our people suffered heavy losses..."

"What do you say... What?" Ian's face turned black.

"We...the Indonesian branch was indeed attacked..." The trembling reward.

"What weapon?" Ian pressed his anger, and God knows how much he spent on the Indonesian branch in the last three years.

"It's a very explosive bomb. I haven't seen it before. It should be the latest model... Our people have recovered the wreckage of the bomb's reputation and are still studying. I believe that the results will soon be known, and the ingredients..."

After listening to these words, Ian’s face was even more ugly.

As the leader of the world's number one terrorist organization, he is most proud of the fact that he often creates terrorist incidents. Most of them use bombs to bomb other people's sites and kill dozens of lives.

But now his site has actually been blown up, and the other party uses the explosives he is best at.

I have to say that this thing really makes Ian beat his face.

In these years, the most talented people in his base are explosives experts, all kinds of explosives.

The reason why I always wanted to catch Professor Lu and Lu Yan was because of the talent of their father and daughter...

Wait... Lu Yan?

Thinking of this name, Ian gradually calmed down.

"It must be the dead of the land smoke... It must be her." Although Ian’s enemies are quite numerous, he can accurately find his Indonesian branch in a short time and use the latest explosives... Luyan, I am afraid there are no other people.

"We also suspect that Miss II did it...but I haven't caught the person carrying the bomb yet...If I catch it, I know if she is?"

"No doubt, it must be her... Really, I haven’t been so close recently, she took the initiative to come to the door... Oh, it seems that I was too kind to her before..." Ian There was a glimmer of cold in his eyes.

In recent years, he has been fighting with the land smoke many times, but every time he wants to catch a living, he does not want to hurt the personal safety of the land smoke.

Therefore, every time he was escaped by the land smoke, he took advantage of the empty space. The last time he was on the plane was the first time he caught the land.

I thought that I was ten-nine, and I knew that I was rescued by Professor Lu from the middle of the road.

It seems that this father and daughter are really not good roles...

"Adult, do we want to kill the second lady?" Ian’s subordinates asked cautiously.

"The killing order? Oh... No, I still can't bear her death... After all, she is the only toy I'm interested in in recent years... I must catch her, then I will adjust it, otherwise... it's really hard. To solve my heart, I only hate..." After that, Ian killed a glass of whiskey in the glass and turned away.

The lore is the highest secret order of Ian, a terrorist organization, once it is a killing order.

Hundreds of elites in the terrorist organization will search the world for carpets and then kill them at all costs.

Even the human bombs are the this is the scariest place for terrorists.

It’s no exaggeration to say that they are **

Ian hurried out of the bar with anger and no longer hunted.

"Adult, are we going to find Mr. Huo now?"

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