My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2389: Lu smoke is angry, the consequences are serious (7)

"Okay...Look, let's see, you don't want to hire yourself?" Huo Mian asked with a slap in the face.

"I haven't finished yet, what are you worried about... I mean, if you play the high number, if a woman picks up, it must be Zhu Lingling..." Qin Chu explained.

"Cut..." Huo Mian didn't overdo it, and it was obviously brushed by her husband.

But her fingers are placed on the lips of the people of Qin, what do you mean?

Qin Chu opened her mouth and contained her lush fingers...

Instant numbness spread throughout the body...

"Hey... why are you, do you belong to a puppy?" Huo Mian felt itchy and wanted to take back his fingers, but he was bitten by Qin Chu.

Force control is just right, there is no pain, but she can't get her fingers back.

Humami just wanted to continue protesting, but found that when she didn’t know, pajamas were peeled off...

Suddenly a spring...

"" In the next words, she had no chance to say it, because she had been thrown over because she hadn’t had time to finish it...

Ian’s departure made the state of Qin Chu’s first-level garrison relaxed.

On such a night, he only wants to enjoy the most wonderful two-person world with his sleep...

On the other hand, Gao Ran is also a rare good mood. After the boss studied the scheme for the devil, he wrote a detailed report on the computer and prepared to explain to the provincial bosses.

When he finished this, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

When I walked out of the office, I found out that those subordinates had not yet got off work, and each one was hard.

"You haven't gone yet?" Gao Ran.

"You didn't go in the high game, where are we going to drive away?" The little policemen took this flattering.

"Cough... well, then I will announce it now... The murderer of the murder case has been brought to justice... This case has already been settled... You can go home to sleep, and everyone has worked hard overtime recently, I will invite you tomorrow night. eat."

"Ah... the high game, what are you talking about?, didn't lie to us?"

"When did I fool you?" Gao Ran white gave them a look.

"But, the boss...when did the murderer catch it, where did he catch it?" Because the people who tracked the news of Ian are all first-class special police, they are all secret, and the small policemen in these offices are unaware of it. Not intending to let them know.

"Ah... that, when the murderer was roaming in other provinces, it was jointly arrested by our special police and the criminal police in the field... In short, this matter is over... everyone is relieved, get off work."

Gao Ran finished this sentence, cheers in the office...

Then, Gao Lai dragged his tired body and walked out of the city bureau, driving the black Jaguar to go home.

It’s very close to home, and it’s only a few minutes away.

When I entered the door, I found the lights in the bedroom still lit.

He was afraid of affecting his wife and son to sleep, so the action was as light as possible, just took off his coat.

Zhu Lingling opened the door and wore a blue cotton pajamas.

"came back?"

"Why haven't you slept yet, what time is it..." Gao Ran turned and looked at Zhu Lingling's black eyes, some distressed.

"Worried about you... can't sleep." Zhu Lingling grinned.

"Bo Yuan?"

"I was sent to my mother... I was not too flat recently. I thought that my father was led by the rest of the family. He was retired and guarded. The place where he lived was safer. He sent Bo Yuan too... ”

"Hah, you are smart, then why don't you follow? Lest I also remember your mother and child."

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