My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2397: Domineering Valentine's Day (5)

"I'm so ah... I grew up to make money, and I gave it to the ground..." The refusal of Douding.

At this time, Huo Mian suddenly realized a problem.

"Today... Valentine's Day?"

" reacted slowly and said..." The twins looked at Huo Mian with a disdainful look.

"But look at you like this, you know that you certainly haven't prepared a Valentine's Day gift for you..." Douding guessed.

"Amount... I really forgot... I don't know today is Valentine's Day... so fast." Huo Mian is indeed embarrassed.

"Hey, it seems that you don't have to prepare for Mommy, you two are even..." Douding laughed.

Pudding interrupted. "No, with my understanding of the land, he will definitely not forget... maybe he will surprise Mommy."

"Cough... You two have to go upstairs to change clothes after eating." Qin Chu did not want the two devils to continue to mess up.

"Okay, okay, but what arrangements do we have today? Sister..." Douding asked the pudding with great interest.

"Yes, I want to go to Su Shuai..." Pudding took a glass of milk and went upstairs while drinking.

"Not good? Valentine's Day, we don't bother to disturb Su Shuai... As a single dog, he is already pitiful... You have a look at Mommy, Wei Shushu has Xiao Wei, and Gao Shushu has Lingling. Auntie, the little aunt has Tang Dashu, Ni Yangzhen has Xiaojie aunt, even the most honest Zhixin of our family are going to catch up with Bella aunt... Only Su Shuai is a single dog... It’s really unbearable... ..." Douding is so sad that the pudding is so analyzed.

"So I am going to accompany Su Shuai, I can't let him live Valentine's Day alone..."

"What about Wei Yunchu?"

"Please... we are only a few years old, what Valentine's Day is... You insist on sending a Boyuan balance car, not because you used to eat so much delicious food last time, and you are guilty... Don't think I don't know "The pudding is directly thought of to remove the diced beans."

"Ha ha ha... sister, really, you know me the most... If so, then we both will accompany Su Shuai?"

"Well, I will call him and let him pick us up."

After that, Pudding sent a video call to Su Yu.

Su Yugang went to the headquarters of Xinghuang and packed up the information in the office to prepare for the morning meeting.


"Su Shuai, are you free today?"

"what's up?"

"We both want to go looking for you to play..."

"Today... look at it. I have several meetings to open today. When I am busy watching it, if I am early, I will pick you up. If it is late, I will not go..." Su Yu did not know today. It is Valentine's Day

"That's okay... let's talk back."

Hanging up the phone, Su Yu took the information and went away, passing the administrative office.

Just listen to a group of female colleagues whispering.

"Hey, you know? This year's Valentine's Day is especially strange, I can't buy roses anymore..."

"Ah? No? How is it possible?" Another girl expressed surprise.

"Really... I don't know how it happened. My boyfriend went to buy flowers today and found that there were no roses in the flower shop. I finally bought me a lily... and these little bears..." The girl holding a bunch of lilies Said with a flat mouth.

"That's weird... What's the matter, is the rose being taboo? Or... what happened?"

Several women whispered and did not pay attention to Su Yu passing by.

"Well? Is it Valentine's Day today?" Su Yu heard the words of her female colleague, and then asked Xiaoan back.

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