My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2448: War without smoke (6)

"You don't seem to know anything really..." How about Huo Xiqian's gloating.

Huo Jin hated to see him look like a hilarious look, so his eyes have begun to have a slight anger.

"Hurry up, or go out... I don't have time to hang out with you."

"Small sleep... Don't believe Qin Chu, he is not a god. After all, it is just a common man, a mortal. So it is inevitable that you will make mistakes, and it will inevitably disappoint you... I said, in this world, only I will not Betray you, only I use life, even the soul to love you... you can only be happy with me."

"You don't want to think about it..." Huo Mian felt very ridiculous.

"If Qin Chu is betraying you? If you have other women, would you still forgive? Do you want to be like the weak female stars in the entertainment industry, to bear the burden of humiliation, to be famous for the sake of children, to maintain this home, So do you have to do it and cherish it?" Huo Siqian sneered.

"Qin Chu he ... will never betray me." Huo Mian answered affirmatively.

"In this world, nothing is absolute, stupid girl... Don't believe him too much, he may... not as good as you think."

After saying this, Huo Siqian did not give Huo Mian a chance to speak and turned away.

The faint beginning of Huo Mian’s heart was uneasy, and Huo Siqian seemed to... know something?

Was it the same thing that she had mentioned before Zhixin?

Qin Daren, he...has something really glaring at himself? And haven't planned to confess with her?

No, she can't listen to Huo Siqian's provocation. She wants to unconditionally believe in Qin Daren. They will meet and love each other in two years.

These years, I have gone through so many things. After all, I can get together. It’s not easy. How can I easily listen to others?

Huo Mian has been comforting herself in my heart...

However, these words of Huo Siqian today always make Huo Mian’s heart seem to have a knot.

After work, Huo Mian drove directly to the GK headquarters that had not been visited for a long time.


"Huo, good evening."

Many employees saw Huo Mian and greeted them because she had been working here for more than three years, so everyone was used to calling her Huo, not the young lady.

"Huo, are you here?" On the top floor of the group, Huo Mian saw that Bella had just come out of the Finance Department.

"Well, what about him?"

“Qin always went to the scene and looked at the construction of the site with several engineers. It is estimated that he will be back in a while.”

"Well, then I will go to his office and wait for me to make a cup of coffee, Bella."


After entering the office, Huo Mian sat at Qin Chu's desk, and she rarely took the initiative to look up his things.

But today I don't know what happened. It may be because of Huo Siqian's words. She even secretly checked all the drawers of Qin Chu's desk.

In addition to the documents, it is her photo, as before, there is no change at all.

Qin Chu's computer password is also the birthday combination of her birthday and twins.

Huo Mian went to the various disks of the computer and flipped it over without any suspicious things.

"Huo, your coffee."

"Okay thank you."

Huo Mian took the coffee and took a sip of it carefully, then took a look at Bella and smiled. "I am very busy with my husband recently? Who are you with?"

"Qin is very busy. There are many meetings every day. I want to see the investors' partners, and the following construction parties. Recently, it is not the three major markets to start construction at the same time. Qin always attaches great importance to it."

"Oh...." Homonia nodded.

"Huo, you are looking for Qin Chu, is there something urgent? I will call him now, lest you wait for a long time?"

"No, I'll just wait, it's okay anyway,'re going to call me Zhixin, I have something to ask him."

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