My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2490: Bureau of the Bureau, mystery in the mystery (18)

"Ming Xi, good end, why ask this?" Huo's face and its unnatural.

"Did you know that?"

"I... this is a thing of the past, is it important?" Huo Wei could not look straight into his eyes.

"I used to think that I understood you, but now I found out... Hehe." After Shen Mingxi was stunned by Su Yu, it seemed to be clear.

"Ming Xi, what the **** are you doing, isn't someone saying something to you? Or is Wei Ying starting to check me?"

"It's nothing……."

"How can you hurt your face? God, are you fighting?" Huo Feng slammed into it.

But before he met Shen Mingxi, he was pushed away by impatientness.

Losing the buddy of Su Yu, the interests will not be said, and the feelings of these years are hard to manage, and they fall short.

Shen Mingxi does not know how important Huo Mian is to Su Yu.

After Su Yu left, the mood was not very good. She went straight back to the private villa and slept until dawn, then went to work.

Group headquarters

When Qin Chu arrived at the company, he unexpectedly did not see assistant Xiao Yang, who usually took care of him.

"Yang assistant?" Qin Chu went to the secretary's office and asked.

"I don't know oh... Qin."

Seeing the time to go to work, but Yang Assistant has been slow to see the figure.

"Go and call Bella to me." Qin Chu saw when he opened the morning meeting, and asked the secretarial office to call Bella.

Bella has always been an assistant to Huo Mian, so the experience is quite rich.

Qin Chu also had too much time to think about it, holding the information, and Bella directly into the conference room.

When the meeting is over at 9:30, Xiao Yang still has no personal shadow.

When Qin Chugang asked Xiao Yang to come, he heard the phone ringing.

"Have you overslept?" Seeing the call from Assistant Yang, Qin Chu asked and asked.

"General Qin, I am Xiao Yang's wife."

Qin Chu gave a slight glimpse, but did not continue to speak.

"My husband had a car accident on the way to work this morning. Now he is still in the hospital. Li, our family is very sad. I also forgot to call the company. I just remembered, I am sorry, Mr. Qin."

"Is it serious?" Qin Chu was still very worried when he heard the assistant car accident.

"It's not clear, we have to wait for the results of the surgery, but in a short time, we may not be able to go back..."

"Okay, it’s clear."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Chu immediately ordered the company's financial allocation to Xiao Yang's family to send the past, first to deal with the rescue.

"Bella, you leave the position to pick up Xiao Yang temporarily."

"It can be, but what if there is a lot of work on hand at Qin?"

"Give it to others. If there are not enough people, let the Ministry recruit a few."

Recently, there are many things. Qin Chu is also awkward. Qin Ning talks with Tang Chuan about his love. As a result, he is now awkward with his father and does not return to the company headquarters.

Uncle is sometimes too busy to come and often handles the documents of the headquarters.

Bella's success in replacing Xiao Yang's work can be handy, but the average person can't do the job of Bella.

Finally, the Ministry of Personnel decided to recruit a very good assistant to Qin.

Originally, this was a very small matter in the big group, but Qin Chu came to work the next day.

Seeing this new girl who succeeded Bella, the whole person has become bad...

"Good morning in Qin." The girl looked at Qin Chu and smiled like a flower.


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