My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2540: Divorce crisis (eight)

"I can't help, the contradiction between adults, we can't interfere."

The pudding is notoriously calm, it is this time, still playing mobile games.

"Nothing, Mom will take the children to sleep first, I will go out."

Huo Mian’s foot just left, Qin Chu also followed.

"Did you go to find Mommy?" Douding is also panic.

"What happened to these two children recently, how is it good... Just like this, no, I went to the temple to scent and pray for it." Qin mother began to feel uneasy.

"Doudou, you and your sister don't play anymore, go upstairs to sleep early."

"Grandpa, I feel awkward recently. You are a sly place, you should talk to him and suppress him." Douding said.

"When did the stinky boy heard my words." Qin Dad sighed slightly.

"Their things, no matter what, will always be solved." Pudding finished, holding the phone directly upstairs.

"My sister is too calm, I really want to die, she is still playing mobile phone... Isn't it really a big heart?" Douding is really dying.

After the twins bathed back to the bedroom, the pudding still played the latest hot mobile game and seemed to play very well.

Douding talked to her, she didn't take care of it.

Finally, Douding simply took out the mobile phone to Gaobo Yuanfa WeChat.

"Bo Yuan, are you there?"

"So late, you give people a voice, how are you?" Pudding squinted at his sister.

"No way, Gao Boyuan does not know all the words, I can't type him, communication is not smooth, so I have to voice."


"Well, you won, when I didn't say, you continued." Pudding continued to play with the phone.

Gao Boyuan: I am, just going to bed, what happened, Bean Ding.

Douding: Are you at home? ”

Gao Boyuan: No, on duty, what happened?

Doudin: I am in a bad mood, just went out, I am a friend of yours, so I asked, are they together?

Gao Boyuan: Oh, this is not very clear. I am on duty tonight, not coming back.

Doudin: So oh...

Gao Boyuan: What happened, how do you feel?

Doudin: Yes, it’s so annoying, recently... I’m quarreling with my mommy.

Gao Boyuan: Or is it because your mommy and the male doctor are eating up late?

Doudin: I don't know, we didn't hear it as a quarrel. It was to see Mommy go very angry and went back to her grandmother's house.

Gao Boyuan: So serious?

Doudin: Yes, so I am so sad.

Gao Boyuan: hug, don't worry, everything will be fine, my mom said... You are very fond of your mommy. In recent years, many people want to get into the game without success, so I don't think you have to worry. .

Doudin: This is not a question of not intervening. Have you heard of a sentence?

Gao Boyuan: What?

Doudin: Some feelings, can withstand the wind and waves, but can not withstand the dull, although the land and Mummy experienced a lot of hardships, but may not stand the plain rice and oil, I am worried, they are almost seven years of itching.

Gao Boyuan: For the amount of seven years?

Bean: It’s been seven years since I got married, but is it estimated that I have a relationship? Who knows, is annoying.

The two little guys chatted here.

Huo Mian went to Tianfuyuan at 10 o'clock in the middle of the night, which made Yang Meimei and Zhixin very surprised.

"Sister, you are coming, what time is it?"

"Well, working overtime, just getting off work, I won't go back to Nanshan Castle. I will have a meeting tomorrow morning, and I will have a night. You don't have to worry about me, go to sleep."

"Small sleep, the mother will clean up your room."

"No, Mom, I will come by myself."

Huo Mian was not in the mood to talk to her mother and Zhixin, and went directly to the room she had not returned for a long time.

Nanshan Castle Underground Base

A maid made a sneaky call. "Hey, Mr. Huo? They quarreled again. It’s true that the young lady has left home and left home. This time it should be very noisy.

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