My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2573: Who is serious about this scene? (One)

"Qin Hao, do you want to die?" The pudding threatened.

"Haha, sister, I love you very much. Don't you send Weiyuan to WeChat?"

Douding returned to God and began to continue to squat with her sister...

Su Yu looked down at the watch. "It’s almost noon, baby, what do you want to eat?"

"Hawaii style pizza, fried chicken, onion rings, Haagen-Dazs, mango smoothie, thank you." Douding and sister bickering still do not forget to order.

"Chick, when are you giving me a takeaway?" Su Yu laughed.

"Su Shuai I really want to eat, Mommy said that those are fried junk food, I have not let my sister and I have eaten for a long time, suffocating me." Douding pleaded.

"What about pudding? What do you want to eat?"

“It’s all right.” Pudding’s request for food seems to be low.

"Then it is good to eat pizza." Su Yu said.

"Wow, Su Shuai, you are so great, love you, what?"

"You don't ask me first, I still ask you what Mommy meant. If she doesn't agree, I can't help it." Su Yu said.

Doudin: ...

In the end, after obtaining the consent of Huo Mian, Su Yu drove the mother and son to the nearby western restaurant and started the fried chicken dinner tour.

On the other hand, Qin Chu was just busy with the project at hand, and Weibo received a private letter.

"Guess who I am? Guess the reward."

"?" Qin Chu only gave the other party a question mark.

In fact, there are many private letters sent by fans. Qin Chu does not return, but the problem is that the number is cartoon.

But the faint appointment can still see the outline, telling the truth, the first time I saw the comic version of this avatar, he thought it was Xiaomian.

With a baseball cap, cute look in casual wear.

However, Huo Mian himself has Weibo, and is the officially certified vice president of the Southern District, the wife of Qin Chu, the president of GK Group.

This number is not authenticated, and the number of fans is not much.

Qin Chu immediately knew her identity.

"Guess what, there are really rewards, I don't lie to you."

"Zhang Manlin."

"Wow... this can be guessed, are you too god?" said Zhang Manlin.

"Your cartoon avatar." Qin Chu said.

"I like it very much?" Zhang Manlin asked excitedly.

"It's like my wife." Qin Chu said.

Listening to Qin Chu said that Zhang Manlin was somewhat unhappy, but she did not entangle the problem.

Instead, the words turned and said, "Since you guessed it, I invite you to eat, okay?"


"How are you doing now? I am resting today. I went to the welfare home in the morning and sent some stationery to the children. I am still outside."

"Do you do charity?"

"Which is my charity, charity is what you rich people do, I just do something that is capable of helping others who need help."

"Can't see that you are so caring." Qin Chu praised her.

"Oh, don't count it, I don't think this is anything, Qin, I invite you to eat ramen, okay?"

"Ramen?" Qin Chu slightly frowned.

"Reassured, not Axin Ramen, Ha... I don't like to eat that house. I don't know why the vice president will like it. I like Hexi Road. There is a halal Lanzhou noodles here. It's really delicious. Beef. The amount given is very good, and the soup is also very good, do you want to go?"


"Yeah, I am already here. If you come, I will give you a bowl. If you want to come... I will eat two bowls myself, haha." Zhang Manlin said.

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