My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2583: Huo Siqian's abnormality (1)

Huo Mian nodded seriously...

"Khan... It’s really... it’s terrible... is Horsham doing it?” Jiang Ye continued to guess.


"I rely on... this big metamorphosis... It’s really pervasive, but since you know that he pressed the bug, how can you still be so calm?"

"I just want to... I will count it, or even if I remove it this time, he won’t necessarily be next time."

"I will count it? Oh... I understand, the most recent thing about you and Qin Chu is acting?" Jiang Ye suddenly realized.

Huo Mian did not answer, she did not want more than one person to know about this matter, or if it was passed to the ears of Huo Siqian, it would be a loss.

Perhaps it is to see the thoughts of Huo Mian, Jiang Ye seriously promised, "Huo Mian, you can rest assured, I will not say it."

"thank you."

"Don't thank me, Hoschinian guy...and my enemy."

"Do you want to avenge Mo Xueer?" Huo Mian asked.

"The revenge is not good. First of all, I have no feelings with Mo Xueer. I am not the opponent of Huo Siqian. I am not so self-reliant, but the enemy of the enemy is a friend, so I will not The things that your husband and wife play are going out."

"Just in the office, what do you want to tell me?" Huo Mian always felt that Jiang Ye had an important thing to tell her.

And it seems to be related to Huo Siqian, so she interrupted Jiang Ye's words in time and told him not to say it in the office.

Otherwise, it will be heard by Huo Siqian, and the effect will be broken...

"Well, yes, this matter is very important. If it wasn't for Su Yu, I would like to talk to you at Nantian Hot Spring."

"Now let's talk, it's safe."

Since knowing that Huo Siqian is monitoring himself, Qin Chu has equipped the Huo Mian bag with an anti-tracking bug disturber.

So as long as you come out, you won't be eavesdropped, and you can check if you are eavesdropping on yourself. This is very advanced.

Qin Chu also has a belt, that is to say, the two of them want to let Ho Siqian hear, he can hear.

I don't want him to hear it unless he personally eavesdrops, otherwise he will definitely not hear it.

"Huo Mian, I will tell you, you will certainly feel particularly surprised, I think... this is an important clue."

"You say it."

"I went to see the mayor of Song May a while ago."

"Mrs. Song? Did she go to the temple in the south to recuperate?" Huo Mian doubts.

"Yes, but I came back to sell the house a while ago, and came back to clean up some old things. One of my friends just bought their house, so I was there that day, and then you guess what I found in their home?"


"Song's diary of poetry." Jiang Ye Shen said mysteriously.

"Song's diary of poetry? What can this be?" When Song Yi was placed at the mercy of Huo Shiqian, he wrote a diary, and Qin Chu became a murderer.

Therefore, in the subconscious of Huo Mian, the two words of the diary are particularly disgusting.

"You don't understand. The diary that was published before Song Yi's death was written by myself, but it was not what he wanted. It was to blame Qin Chu."

"Yes." Huo Mian nodded.

"But this is a true handwritten diary of Song and poetry."

"Which period of time, before or after? If it used to be, it is estimated that there is no value. In those years abroad, there is no clue. It is nothing more than the life of an official second generation Bai Fumei."

"Not before, later, after getting married with Huo Siqian." Jiang Ye lowered his voice.

"How come? Is such an important thing, Huo Siqian actually not destroyed?" Huo Mian did not believe it.

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