My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2799: Going further and further on the road to death (7)

"Yes... is it? But I don't know this person..." Zhang Manlin pretended to be calm.

"You don't know who Zhang Shubao is?" Qin Chu asked.

"I don't know... this name, huh, huh... I haven't even heard of it... Qin, are you mistaken, does that person really know me? Is it a name?"

Zhang Manlin pretends to look innocent, making Qin Chu disgusting, but he still did not deliberately expose.

"Oh, this way... that's fine, go out first."

"Okay, General Qin."

Zhang Manlin smiled and turned to the president's office. The moment she came out, she whispered her teeth and screamed. "This man is really shameless at home. He still found Qin. No, I can't let him continue to talk about it." .

When the GK Group got off work, Zhang Manlin deliberately worked overtime until late, and when everyone left, she went to the security room.

Among the bandits, only Zhang Shubao came to be a security guard, very close to her. I heard that some of the others went to the logistics company, and some went to the real estate.

"Looking for someone?" At the door of the security room, a small security guard saw the woman kneeling at the door and asked curiously.

"Is Zhang Shubao here?"

"Zhang Shubao... Oh, that newcomer is not inside. He is patrolling on the eighth floor. You can go directly to the eighth floor to find him."

"it is good."

Zhang Manlin was patient and took the elevator to the eighth floor.

Sure enough, I saw Zhang Shubao wearing a security uniform and stood in the hallway.

"How come you?" Seeing Zhang Manlin, the slippery head was very happy, and even the voice was mixed with a little surprise.

"Let's talk about it here."

Zhang Manlin pointed to the entrance to the corridor because she wanted to avoid all monitoring. After all, this is the site of Qin Chu.

She did not know that Qin Chu knew what she and Zhang Shubao had in private.

Zhang Shubao was also obedient. When she was shouted by Zhang Manlin, she came over.

"How come you come to work here?" Maggie Cheung looked disgusted at the man in front of him.

"This is not very good, the group is well treated, I will not do anything else, I am different from you, not so high education and culture, I can only be a security guard, Qin total It’s really good. If you don’t say anything, just arrange for me to come in. The salary is very good.”

"You said to General Qin... Do you know me?" Zhang Manlin asked the key points.

"Yeah... I just want to be closer to you, so when Qin asked me what I have to ask for work, I will..."


Zhang Manlin slaps on Zhang Shubao's face, and the burning tingling sensation gradually spreads, making him suddenly a little more aggressive.

"You are a dumpling, do you want to die? I didn't tell you, don't you mention our relationship with anyone?" Zhang Manlin muttered.

"I didn't mention that... I just said we know, I like you..."

"That won't work, you can't say that you know me... You have money, you have a car, you have a good time to go back to the country to live, this money is enough for you to spend a lifetime, why do you want to stay here? Not scattered..." Zhang Manlin's face was pale.

"I..." Zhang Shubao was asked by Zhang Manlin, but he asked.

He didn't know what he was going crazy. Since he had money, people in the village heard that many people came to his house to give media.

However, he always remembered that the woman who had been slain in the cellar was like the evil.

"You follow me, what's wrong?" Zhang Shubao didn't understand what happened to him. Now that he has money, why does this woman's attitude change so badly?

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