My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2874: The trap behind the wedding (3)

Huo's hot cheeks, want to attack, but also know that it is useless.

I can't always fight with Mrs. Shen, and Mrs. Shen is an elder, and she can't help her.

"Look at what, don't you roll?" Mrs. Shen squinted and glared at Huo.

Although Huo Xun was dissatisfied, he still said nothing and blinked his eyes and walked away.

"You two left me, at the door of the ward, as long as this woman came and said nothing to let her in."

Mrs. Shen pointed to the two bodyguards behind her.

"Yes, ma'am."

Mrs. Shen was relieved to get out of the hospital.

After Huo Hao came to the hospital in the middle of the night and was beaten, he was very wronged.

You know, if you have been with Shen Mingxi for so long, you haven’t been treated like this. Mrs. Shen actually dared to beat her?

The more I want to be more arrogant...

"Hey, the more you don't let me contact, the more I have to contact..."

On the way back, Huo Wei parked the car aside, took out the phone, and dialed the number.

It’s busy for a few times...

"Don't you pull me black?"

Then use the dial-up software on the phone to dial Shen Mingxi's number again.

"Hey?" is a woman's voice that doesn't sound young.

"Is this not Shen Mingxi's cell phone?"

"The young master is already asleep." Shen's maid said.

"Go, wake him up, I have something to say to him." Huo's toes are high-spirited.

"Which are you?" the maid asked cleverly.

Before Mrs. Shen left, she turned over Shen Mingxi’s phone book and pulled Wei Ying out of the blacklist.

Blackened the number of Huo Wei, whether it was WeChat or the phone, all of them were broken.

"I am... I am his friend. It is very important to find him."

In view of the fear that he would tell his true identity, he was afraid that the maid would not let Shen Mingxi answer the phone, so Huo Wei only said that he was his friend.

"Okay, then wait a minute." The maid thought about it, and then he should.

"Young master, young master... your call."

The maid whispered to Shen Mingxi, who had just fallen asleep.

"Who?" His voice was still a little illusory.

"I don't know, it's your friend, there are important things to say to you." The maid's original book.

Shen Mingxi took the call and looked at the number and found it to be a dial-up software.


"You actually blacked me?" Huo Wei asked, and strong accusations.

When you listen to the sound, you know that it’s Huo Wei’s right.

Although Shen Mingxi was not black, he did not explain it. After all, the relationship between the two is no longer the same as before.

"Do you have anything?" Shen Mingxi's tone is cold.

"I have a car accident?"


"You are going to go out at my house, so you are because I am right?"

Shen Mingxi is silent...

"You still have me in your heart, can't you let it go?" Huo Wei was somewhat proud.

"Huo Wei, what do you want to do?" Shen Mingxi pressed the anger.

"Look at your joke... I will say it, you will have retribution, see how fast the retribution comes, you Shen Mingxi is greedy and afraid of death, so no matter your own woman, don't help my mother, my mother is dead, you are happy. It’s a pity... You have spread this kind of thing yourself, how much fun you said..."

"So you are looking at my jokes? Gleeful fun?" Shen Mingxi listened to the irony of Huo Wei, and his heart was cold.

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