My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2903: Huo Siqian is a madman (12)

"And Mommy is also a doctor, and the doctor's mission is to save people."

"But Mommy is also a pregnant woman. There is also a person in the stomach who doesn't know if it is a younger brother or a younger sister..." Pudding interrupted.


"Older sister, you are finally willing to help me once...."

Seeing my sister talking to myself, the peas immediately smelled good.

"You two don't want to do this. Do you want to understand Mommy's work?" Huo Mian tried to discuss with the twins.

"But confessed, when Mommy is on vacation, she must either keep pace with her, or she must be at home, with us." Pudding teaches Mummy.

"I know." Huo Mian helpless.

"So, Mommy is going to take the trip to the hospital, or intend to take us and the bodyguard."

"I... I am going with a bodyguard. You can rest assured. You will wait at home. It looks like it is still raining outside. It is very cold."

"How long will it take back..." Douding is reluctant to swear.

"It won't be long." Huo Mian appeased them.

"Cheat, heart surgery can be more than three hours at the earliest." Pudding dismantled Mummy's goodwill lies.


The home has a smart Meng Bao, it really is not a good thing, actually so bad to lie.

"Mummy, or you don't go.... There are so many doctors in the hospital... Can't do it is that they have problems with their level, and it's not your responsibility, but recently it was quiet and terrible outside, and Zhang Manlin's dregs have not been moving. I don't know what is wrong in my heart, and the mad woman of Huo Wei, who has framed Gao Ran's uncle, I don't know if I will stare at us again, so... I think you are better than one less thing."

The pudding speaks word by word, the logic is very clear, and the language expression is also very precise.

"Budding, you said Mommy understands, but Mommy doesn't want to miss any chance to save people... Mommy is not a Virgin, not God, but Mommy is a doctor. It is the duty of a doctor to save people. If I save, People are dead, this can still be said, but if I did not save, then the person died because of me, I will be very sad, dead people, their loved ones will be very upset, the most cruel in this world is life and death The saddest thing is the living people, the people who have been I hope that the patients who pass my hand, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, I want to do my best to help them. This is when I stepped into the medical school gate. The first paragraph of my heart."

When Huo Mian said these words, his eyes looked good and he seemed to return to the girlhood of that year.

With a **** heart, and a dream that is stupid in the eyes of others.

Everyone will think that doctors should save people. This is your profession. You can do things with money.

Now the media continues to provoke the relationship between the patients, so that the profession seems to have lost a lot of glory.

But this does not affect those young people who have medical dreams. They continue to work hard and strive for their own career.

Even today, even as a deputy dean, Huo Mian still feels that he has the responsibility to save every valuable life.

"Mummy... Well, you won, your emotional intelligence is so high, your eloquence is so good... We have to surrender." Huo Mian's most candid words, convinced the daughters, and finally, the pudding also admitted.

After watching Huo Mian leave with his bodyguard, the pudding is still a little uneasy.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? How is it like something in your heart..." asked Doudin.

"I always think that Mommy should not go out tonight." Douding has an answer.

"Yes, she went out and did not ask for it... I also felt very serious." Douding added.

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