My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2987: Murdering madness (16)

"I don't have confidence, I really have no face to look for Wei Ying."

"If you want a face, most of the couple in the world will break up. I think... in love, there must always be someone who plays a shameless role. If you have self-respect, you are very embarrassed, no one is bowing. Also talking about a wool?"

"Su Ye, are you now a love expert?"

"Forget it, I don't have time to talk to you... Anyway, what do you think about your child?"

"My mom called you?" Shen Mingxi asked.

"You don't care about this, I am also saying hello to you, you don't have to send a welfare home, but you can find someone to adopt... not to be with you." Su Yu said.

"That Su, if Huo Mian is in trouble, Qin Chu has no ability to manage, and the twins are homeless, will you sit back and ignore?"

"Of course not." Su Yu did not think about it.

"That's not enough, let's compare your heart."

"That's not the same, Ming Xi."

"How is it different? It's all women we like..." Shen Mingxi smiled.

"Between me and Xiaomian, there has never been resentment, no misunderstanding... unlike you and Huo Huo..." In Su Yu’s heart, no one can compare with Huo Mian.

Shen Mingxi also knows that he can't argue with him any more about Huo Mian in front of him, because he had eaten this loss before.

"Well... you look good, you are right."

Su Yu:...

"Go, let's get in touch."

Su Yu turned out of Shen, and received Ni Weiling’s WeChat, the number of the West in the United States.

Su Yu did not think about it, dialed the past.

"Hey?" is a man picking up.

"Hello, I am looking for Cassie." Su Yu said in English.

"Who are you?" The man seemed very unhappy.

Su Yu immediately reacted and did not answer his question but asked, "Are you Rick?"


It is indeed the style of Rick, always cold, not even a word of nonsense.

"Great, I am looking for you." Su Yu directly changed to Chinese.

"you are……?"

Rick and Su Yu are not particularly familiar, so they didn't hear much.

"Su Yu."

"Is there something?" Rick continued to go cold.

"Qin Chu has an accident, do you know?"

"what's up?"

Su Yu then briefly pointed out the key with Rick, about the sleep of the cliff, Qin Chu coma.

After listening to it, Rick was silent.

"Rick, are you still listening?" Su Yu is also depressed, and it is hard to communicate with the stuffy gourd.

I don't understand why Nie Lingxi's sister, Xixi, would like this man?

"Listening... What do I need to do now?"

Rick knows that Su Yu must have a plan once he finds himself.

"Kyoto's military doctor said that he hopes to contact Qin Chu's tutor or classmate at Harvard Medical School, find an excellent liver doctor, and will deploy antidote... I hope to come over and do surgery for Qin Chu."

"it is good."

“We are always in touch and we have new news to tell me.”


Then Rick hangs up and Rick is such a person. When did you tell me, I have a number in my heart.

Without you, I am sure I can do this well. There is no expression on the surface, no response, and it does not mean that I don't care.

After hanging up the phone, Rick sat down on the corner of the sofa and was silent.

"Rick, what's wrong with you?"

When Xixi went downstairs, Rick had been sitting here for three minutes.

"Qin Chu and Huo Mian... they have an accident." Rick looked up, his eyes with sadness that was difficult to cover.

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