My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2999: Forgotten island (eight)

"Not yet, just after a preliminary analysis, this ingredient is really unheard of and I have never seen it."

The doctor also had some embarrassing answers.

Su Yu is holding his head, but it’s also awkward...

Originally, Qin Chu looked like this, and there was no news on Huo Mian’s side, which was enough to abuse the heart.

Now there are people who are paying attention to Qin Chu, simply...

Sujia Villa

The showered twins listened to music in bed and read books, very embarrassing.

Bean Ding was originally a video with Gao Boyuan, and he chatted and fell asleep.

Even the videos are all puddings...

After the pudding closed the phone of Douding, he was just about to go to the bathroom.

Even the window opened quietly, she did not know at all.


A very light voice, the pudding was shocked.

"Remember me not?" Lu smoke sat on the window sill, smiling coolly.

"Little 姨..."

The memory of the pudding is amazing, so I saw the over-the-counter smoke and immediately remembered it.

Mommy said that this is a very close relative.

She and her sister have a lot of expensive jewelry to buy.

"Hey, come over and hug."

When Lu smoke opened his arms, the pudding rushed over and slammed the smoke.

It's amazing, the time spent with Luyan is very rare, and Qin Ning has no way to compare it, but it is not as good as Jiang Xiaowei and Zhu Lingling.

However, seeing Luyan is an inexplicable sense of intimacy, as if it has been known for a long time.

"Small 姨..." When the pudding called the land smoke, the voice trembled.

Lu smoke raised the child's chin and found that she was crying.

"How did you cry? Seeing Xiaoxiao is not happy?"

"No, I am very happy to see Xiaoxiao."

"That is so happy and weeping?" Lu Yan chuckled.

"Small 姨... you know, you... there is a very special taste... very similar to my mommy." Pudding said slowly.

To be honest, the words of the pudding made Lu Yan feel very attentive.

"Pudding, I know all about your mommy. This time, Xiao Yan is here for this matter."

"Oh, Mommy said... you are especially good."

"Yes? Did your mom say this to me?"

The pudding nodded fiercely. "Mummy said, Xiao Yan is very good... Anything, nothing can't beat you."

"Yes, so... Xiao Yan said, I will definitely help you find Mommy, and will save you, you believe?"

"I believe." Pudding nodded happily.

"Doudou, have you fallen asleep so early?" Lu smokes from the window sill and puddings, and there is no sound when landing.

It can be seen that you have a good hand.

"Well, she has a bad mood in the last two days. It may be that she especially wants Mommy and her eyes... Douding has been stunned by me, I don't know the details."

"It's awesome, I will take care of my sister." Lu Yan gave a thumbs up and agreed with the pudding.

Lu smoke went to the front of the bean diced, bowed his head and gently kissed her forehead.

"My little pig... It looks exactly like your sister, two little cute."

To tell the truth, Lu Yan’s feelings for Huo Mian’s twins are even deeper than everyone imagined.

Su's defense is very powerful, but it is still broken by the land smoke.

Joe was outside and didn't come in.

Because of her special status, she is still unable to contact Su Yu directly. She can only watch children in private.

"Pudding, Xiao Yan has a good news to tell you."

"What good news?"

"I want to see your grandfather?" Lu Yan asked.

"Grandfather?" Pudding suddenly thought of the old man he had seen in the United States. Later, Mommy said that it was a grandfather. It was amazing.

Isn’t the husband of this grandmother at home not already dead? Mommy didn't say much, the pudding didn't dare to ask.

"miss you."

"Then we call her and let him come back to save you." Lu Yan pointed to the smart watch on his wrist and looked at the pudding.

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