My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3003: Forgotten island (12)

Joe was almost a jumper.

As soon as the result came to the edge of the cliff, I looked down and found out.

Luyan used a strop... I hung myself in the air...

Then she followed the strop a little bit and went down a little bit to check...

"Lu Yan... Little bastard, you give me a wait..." When Joe saw that she was fine, a heart dared to fall.

Then I thought about the hypermorphic Joe's metamorphosis, the first time I swear.

It is also the first time that the smog is a small bastard...

Lu smoked hippie smiled and looked up at Joe Fei, who was scared to change his face.

"Hey, little bastard, who are you?"

"Of course I am jealous of you, dead girl." Joe is really the heart of the dead.

"Yes, it’s your little **** who is jealous of me."

Qiao Fei: ...

It’s time, and I’m still thinking about playing word games with him. It’s cheap, I’m afraid that only Luyan can do it.

Later, Lu Yan looked down a little at the rock on the edge of the cliff.

See if there is any place to hide...

Is it what Huo Siqian did when he jumped down with Huo Mian?

The result is nothing...

Also, if it is really strange, I am afraid that Su Yu has already detected it, and she will not wait for her to come out.

Until the sea level...

Lu smoke stopped his hand and then paused for five seconds.

He slammed into the sea directly...

If it is not known that her water is particularly good, Joe Fei will estimate that he has to worry about it.

After a few minutes……

Lu smoke climbed up and followed the rope, coming up three times.

Joe Fei quickly took the lead and pulled the whole body of the wet land.

"Joe metamorphosis..." Lu Yan has not come to speak urgently.

Qiao Fei will hold her to death...

Almost let her not come up...

"Cough and cough... Your uncle, you are letting go, you want to murder..." Lu Yan laughed and laughed.

"You will... in the future... Do you dare to tell me in advance about doing this kind of adventurous thing?" Joe was really just a moment, scared the heart to eavesdrop.

I thought that the land smoke could not be opened, but also jumped to find a short time.

But after ten seconds of reaction, I immediately knew to look down.

It’s not difficult to reach out with the smoke of the land.

"Don't you know me the most? Is this a small thing difficult to live with? Right, I just found out."

"What did you find?" Joe Fei slowly released the land smoke.

"Hawsworth is really smart. The surface of the cliff has no trace. It hasn't been to the sea level... but there is an article on the bottom of the sea."


Lu smoke nodded.

"There is a place below three square meters. The sea is very deep, like a whirlpool. But unlike the natural formation, it is like a hole that is artificially excavated. I went down the hole and found that there is a hole in it, not only can I hide in the sky. Personally no problem, and ... there are other ways out of the hole." Lu Yan laughed.

Joe Fei immediately realized it.

"It turned out to be like this... that Huo Siqian is really smart... So, Xiaomian sister must be fine?"

"That is natural, my sister is very big, and it is guaranteed to be fine."

Although Lu Yan had long felt that he should be a ghost of Huo Xiqian, he was even happier after he personally confirmed it.

"The question now is... How did Huo Siqian get rid of Xiaomianjie? Where did they go?" Qiao Fei asked.

"This is also my most embarrassing place. Huo Siqian's plan is so thorough. It is not surprising that he is not aware of the goods. I am afraid that people like him will not believe anyone? Ian may not know, I I feel like I am going to meet someone now."

"Who?" Joe looked at Lu Yan without doubt.

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