My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3025: God-like professor (fourteen)

When Su Yu went to the hospital, she almost ran all the way...

Because I received a call and heard that it was Qin Chu, he was really scared.

After all, I have just been out, being sneaked into by strangers and fainting the vicious incident of bodyguards.

Not long after Su Yugang walked, the pudding slept the peas, prepared to go to the toilet, and then saw the strange number.


"Budding, I am a little girl."

"Small, where are you?" The pudding voice couldn't resist the excitement.

"Baby, I don't know where I am now?" Lu Yan said with a funny smile.


"Baby, listen to me, remember the last time you talked to you?"

"Remember. Pudding nodded solemnly.

"Your grandfather has arrived. It is estimated that he will arrive at the hospital tonight, but Su Yu will not let your grandfather give you surgery, so I want you to come out." Lu Yan confessed.

"Is the grandfather already here?" Pudding was delighted.

"Well, as far as I know, yes."

"Okay, then I know."

After that, the pudding hangs up and ran out, went to the Su Yu room, and found that there was no one.

"Well? Su Shuai?"

"Budding, why don't you sleep?" When Mrs. Su poured a cup of coffee upstairs, she saw the pudding at the door of the Su Yu room.

"Su Grandma, Su Shuai?"

"He went out."

"Where did you go?"

"Don't say it, just say there is a hurry."

The pudding nodded and then called Su Yu.

After hearing Su Yu in the hospital, the pudding immediately took Mrs. Su’s hand and said, “Sue Grandma, can the bodyguard and the driver send me to find Su Shuai?”

"Now?" Mrs. Su was a little surprised.

"Well, it is now."

"Budding, you Uncle Su is going to do things, what are you waiting for him to come back and say, okay?"

"No, Grandma Su, it’s too late to come back, it must be now."

Mrs. Su knows that pudding is not a child who is not sensible.

It’s definitely a matter of urgency, so hesitated and sent the driver and the bodyguard to her to the military hospital.

Military hospital intensive care unit door

Su Yu walked over and found many people standing at the door.

There are doctors, guards, and a group of people around a white-haired old man.

The old man was gray, wearing a dark brown shirt and black trousers.

His face is slightly vicissitudes, but his eyes are sharp.

"Su Shao, are you here?"

"What is the situation?" He heard that someone outside the Qin Chu ward had to break in, and Su Yu immediately rushed.

"This grandfather, he is going to go in and ask who he is, not to say, his identity is very suspicious." The guard said.

"Who are you?" Su Yu looked at the old man very unfriendly.

"Kid, you are Su Yu?" The old man looked at Su Yu and smiled.

"How do you know my name?"

"Who is the grandson of the Soviet commander, who doesn't know?" The old man continued to laugh.

"Do you know Qin Chu?"

Thinking of the old man going to break in, it is definitely knowing Qin Chu.

This will not be the relatives of the Qin family, but it is not right, Qin family do not know the news of Qin Chu accident.

This news is very tightly sealed. How did this strange old man know?

This makes Su Yu more cautiously prepared...

"I not only know him, but this time I am coming back to save his life." The old man said.

"How did you know that he had an accident?"

Su Yu was full of hostility, and he suddenly felt that it would be possible to be a Huo Shiqian person, in order to remove the roots.

"You don't have to worry about this, anyway, I just know."

The identity of the professor is also special, so it is impossible to say it publicly.

"Do not explain your identity, the whereabouts are sneaky, really suspicious, come, let me grab this old man." Su Yu severely ordered.

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