My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3028: God-like professor (seventeen)

The pudding's watery eyes stared at the old man for three seconds, calmly saying, "Know, you are a grandfather."

When I heard the words of my grandfather blurted out, the old man’s eyes warmed up again.

In my lifetime, I can hear the daughter of Xiaomian and call my grandfather personally. It is an unspeakable happiness.

The professor reached out and touched the head of the pudding. "Oh."

When the grandson and the grandson did not say too much, the professor went straight to the hospital bed and did a series of inspections for Qin Chu.

Pudding does not know much about the equipment of the grandfather, just like the watch phone of Xiaoyan?

Actually, when you make a phone call, you can have an illusory influence. This is an advanced high-tech that has never been seen in the market.

About half an hour later, the professor took off the instruments that were brought to Qin Chu.

"It seems that these quacks are OK, basically the condition is indeed like this, there is no misdiagnosis." Professor said.

"My grandfather, how is my situation now?" Pudding worried about going over and asking.

"It's really not very optimistic." The professor said as he packed things up.

"But you will have a way to save him, right?" said Pudding, confidently.

"Who told you, my grandfather must have a way to save you from the land?" The professor smiled lovingly.

"Little said." Pudding answered truthfully.

"I know that no one else is so guilty except the dead girl." The professor smiled helplessly.

"Is that grandfather sure to save the land?" Pudding asked.

"You just said to the hairy boy outside, like the vowed, how can you not have confidence now?"

The professor would like to see what the reaction of this legendary high IQ grandson will be?

"That is because the employer does not doubt that the suspect does not need it... Xiaoyan is so powerful, he said that the grandfather must have a solution, then there must be a solution."

"Well, it’s quite reasonable." The professor nodded with satisfaction.

"Is that grandfather, have you thought about how to cure my shackles?"

"Well, think about it."

"Great, grandfather, you are amazing." For the first time, Pudding worshipped a person from the inside out.

When a huge problem is in front of everyone, everyone is helpless.

Then came a person, said lightly, well, nothing, I will solve this problem.

At this moment, you will feel that he is a god-like person.

"When can I give surgery to the sputum? Can I wake up after the operation?" Pudding asked another question in a series.

"Before the operation, the grandfather must do something else."

"What?" Pudding was curious.

"Detoxification... You are stunned... This guy, metamorphosis, to give himself medicine to suppress mental pain. For a long time, the toxins have accumulated in the liver. If not discharged in time, the internal liver will continue to be necrotic."

The grandfather said a bunch of professional things, although the pudding is not very clear, but listening to this is a problem that cannot be ignored.

"Well, then my grandfather will detoxify the land first." Pudding nodded.

"What about 豆丁?"

"Still in the grandmother's house."

"Su Grandma? Are you talking about Su Yujia?"


"This is good, you and your grandfather return to Nanshan Castle, and the grandfather can study the antidote while taking care of you."

"So... can you?" The pudding was a little pleasant.

"Of course, are you willing to go back with your grandfather?" The professor smiled warmly.

"I am willing, my sister and I are very homesick, and my grandfather is coming." Pudding was not so calm for the first time, and his face was so excited that he could not resist.

"So, you still need to talk to the kid outside, you can get him first, then we will go home."

The professor pointed to Su Yu outside the door.

The pudding nodded, then opened the ward door and went out.

"How about pudding? What did the old man say?" Su Yu is also nervous.

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