My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3044: You don't understand my pain (3)

"My sister contacted me, they are already on the way back... I am in transit, I will arrive tomorrow afternoon."

"They?" noticed this key word.

"Yes, my sister and his boyfriend."

"Oh...." Su Yu nodded and returned a simple word.

"The last time you called my sister, it was to find Rick. Actually, I think, they should come back and it should be useful to you."

"Okay, I know, thank you."

"You're welcome, I need help, Su will open your mouth."

Nie Lingqi is always so patient with Su Yu, and it is extremely gentle...


After returning to this word, Su Yu threw the phone aside and quietly drank beer.

Nie Ling saw that there was nothing to talk about, and some were not willing.

"Su total... You haven't come to the company recently, what happened?"

"Well, my friend has something wrong." Su Yu answered very vaguely.

"Look, you don't seem to be in a good mood."


"The company is very good here. When you are not there, we will all work hard and don't give us a face."

"it is good."

Regardless of what Nie Lingqi said, Su Yu is a word and a word answer, which makes Nie Lingyi very embarrassed.

"If this is the case, then don't bother you, rest early."


"Su total, I will premiere my new show in a few days. If the results are good, can you come and celebrate with us?"

In the end, Nie Lingqi took the courage and asked Su Yu.

Su Yu waited for an answer, and she said, "I was also the first to make such a big-production movie. I was really worried. I was afraid that everyone would not buy it. I was afraid that my acting skills would not work, but the director said that there is hope for breaking one billion. If you can break a billion, can President Su come to celebrate with us?"

Listening to it, Nie Ling’s full expectation.

"Let's see what happens when I see the situation." Su Yu finally did not give her the answer she wanted most.

"Okay, then... good night."

After sending WeChat, Su Yu turned the phone down...

He has been turned to the head of Huo Mian, and his name is - Dr. Huo.

Dr. Huo is a name, he likes it very much, and he likes it like Huo Mian.

I also like Huo Mian with a black eyeglass frame and a white coat.

Now I want to come and know Huo Mian for so long. The happiest thing seems to be the time he was hospitalized in the hospital.

At that time, I was looking for a bully to hibernate every day, but I was always bullied by Huo Mian.

And he is happy, and every day he looks forward to Dr. Huo to go to the rounds, and then fight with her.

Huo Mian is the most poisonous one of the women he knows.

If you are hurting you, you can damage you with almost no dirty words, and you will lose your sense of self.

But he later discovered that Huo Mian is a person who is willing to leave room for others.

It’s easy not to say too much, so a girl with a sinister look and a good heart, how can he not like it?

Looking at the avatar, his eyes are gradually blurred...

He picks up the phone, press and hold to start talking -

"Doctor Huo, come back soon, don't make trouble... Everyone misses you... If you come back... If you come back... I don't like you anymore... I won't bring you any more. The situation is bothering... I just look at you from afar... as long as you come back safely."

After that, Su Yu released his hand... The voice message was sent out.

However, he knew that Huo Mian could not see it because Huo Mian’s mobile phone was not taken away at all.

I have been in the office of Gao Ran City Bureau.

Thinking of this, Su Yu felt that she was impulsive, and the voice that was sent out was withdrawn again.

Then the doorbell rang...


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