My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3051: You don't understand my pain (10)

"Let's see the situation again."

Qin Ning said that it was a bit vague, did not say go, did not say no.

"Hey, if Qin Ning wants to go, someone will have to suffer again..." Su Yu ridiculed.

"Cut, he said, I am not uncomfortable." Tang Chuan mouth hard.

"You will blow you..." Pudding looked at Tang Chuan with a contempt.

"Really, I didn't blow, I really don't feel bad, anyway, she goes back, I follow it...." Tang Chuan laughed.

Su Yu:...


"Hey, you have no such thing..." Qin Ning was a little embarrassed.

"When you want to pay for it, I still want my wife to be more real."

For a meal, Nie Lingqi didn't get into the mouth because they were not very familiar with Tang Chuan and Qin Ning.

So just eating silently...

After the meal, Pudding took the initiative to say, "Su Shuai, you send Nie Ayi to the company first."

"how about you?"

"I went to see the land with Aunt Tang Uncle."

"Alright, then I will go to the hospital to find you." Su Yu said.

After several people separated, Nie Ling went to Su Yu's Lamborghini.

"Look, you haven't eaten well..." Su Yu said.

"No, I didn't eat much."

"Tangchuan is like that, my buddy for many years, talking very casually... Most of the words are nonsense."

"Well, look at it, you have a good relationship."

Su Yu smiled and continued driving.

"Su are very good at pudding." Nie Lingyi said very envious.

"I am so good for doudding."

"Haha, you are so funny." Nie Lingyi was teased by Su Yu.

"Really, the two little guys, I saw big when I was young, just like my relatives."

"So, you should really like it very much... Dr. Huo." Nie Ling whispered.

"Yeah, I like her very much." Su Yu never hides his love for Huon.

From the past to the present, it is a big recognition.

"Doctor Huo is really excellent, I think she is worth it..." Nie Lingqi said.

"Your sister is here in the afternoon?" Su Yu did not answer, but asked her another question.

"Well, it should be."

"Okay, come, go back to the company, I will go to the hospital."

Su Yu slowly parked the car at the company's door.

"Thank you Su."

"You're welcome, go."

Subsequently, Nie Lingqi got off the bus and Su Yu drove away.

This scene was just seen by a female artist from the same company.

"Sister Jie, Su sent you back?"


"Have you been dating?" asked the female artist gossip.

"No, just have lunch together."

"Great, you... Su is rarely eating with our artists... It’s the same as the previous one. Whatever the situation, you won’t have a BOSS with us..."

"No, my relationship with Su is a simple relationship between my superiors and subordinates."

"Haha, you are all blushing..."

"Really, don't talk about it, I don't want to worry about Su because of my relationship."

"I know, but tell the truth, Su has never had a girlfriend. You have this opportunity too. You can work hard... Now you are so red, beautiful and beautiful, people are low-key... Maybe you can develop with Su Development..."

"Forget it, don't think about it, Su is always... I won't like me."

Nie Lingqi is very self-aware, and she told her many times before.

Su Yu to Huo Mian, that is a kind of almost stubborn love...

Hospital corridor

"How? Old man... Didn't the antidote research come out?" Su Yu is still rude and likes to call the old man.

But the professor is not only angry, but seems to like Su Yu quite.

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