My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3086: The world is looking for Hum sleep (fifteen)

"Because she and my mother are enemies..."

"who said it?"

"My mom said before..."

“What did she say to you?” Shen Mingxi suddenly found out that he had ignored Huo’s education of sweetness.

"My mother said... Aunt Wei Ying is not a good thing... It is a bad person, she must deal with her."

“What else?” Shen Mingxi continued to ask.

"I also said... Don't let Aunt Wei Ying be with Shen Shushu, to torture her..."

Shen Mingxi breathed a deep breath, and sure enough, Huo Wei’s hidden is really profound.

It turned out that at that time, it was very thoughtful and planned step by step.

It seems that compared with Huo Wei’s temperament, Wei Ying is tempered, but fortunately, she will not play the means of conspiracy, but Wei Ying is even easier to forgive.

Seeing Shen Mingxi's face is not very good, sweet and whispered on the face of Shen Mingxi, "Secret Uncle, I know that you are not with my mother, but also looking for other women."

"But you are not looking for someone to look for Wei Ying. I am so bad with her mother, I will not be good to me... I will kill me."

"Sweet, these are things between adults, you don't understand."

"I don't care, anyway, I don't want Uncle Shen and Aunt Wei Ying together... Hey."

Speaking of sweetness, I ran to the room...


"Sweet, have a quick meal..." Nanny Fang was holding a hot bone soup.

But it was knocked over by the sweet...

The bone soup spilled out and almost burned to the babysitter, scaring her back and forth.

"Mr. Shen, what is sweet today, a bit abnormal..."

"I still want to ask you, what the **** is going on, who is there at home today?" Shen Mingxi frowned slightly.

"No..." Fang is also confused.

At this time, Shen Mingxi glanced at the newspaper at home.

The entertainment headline is actually a photo of him and Wei Ying.

On the eve of the wedding, they were photographed by the media with a few intimate photos.

But what about such a long photo?

Shen Mingxi picked up the newspaper and looked at the title...

"It is reported that Shen Gongzi and his ex-wife have recently interacted frequently, and the signs of compounding are obvious."

After Shen Mingxi finished reading, put the newspaper down...

"Who is this brought back?"

"Sir, I bought it. When I went out to buy food, I left a little change... I just... I bought a few newspapers..."

"Sweet people don't know so many words, are you talking to her?"

"No, this is not me... Maybe she uses what software on the phone, I really don't know because of this, sir... Sorry... don't fire me."

Fang Jie came soon, but still did not understand Shen Mingxi's temper, scared enough, thinking that Shen Mingxi would blame her.

"That's okay, Fang Jie, you are busy first, I went to the room to see the children."

Shen Mingxi actually spent a day at the company and was already very tired.

Come back and be a mother again...

Today Wei Ying went to the company, looking for him, did not say a few words, put the bone soup down and left.

After saying that he had a car accident, the injury has not been good enough to help him make up his body.

To tell the truth, Wei Ying has completely changed one person before, and Shen Mingxi has a different feeling for her.

But sweet here...

It is also a problem of forbidden hands, and does not say whether sweetness can accept Wei Ying.

Wei Ying may not accept Huo's daughter over there? After all, the grudges before...

Municipal Bureau of Jurisdiction

Two little nurses in the corridor gossip...

"Have you heard that? Shen Gongzi and his ex-wife are going to remarry. Recently, the media is rumored to pass this thing..."

"Yeah, they are two male-female, the most important ones are right, and they should not be divorced before, and they blame Huo’s abominable third party."

Huo Wei was sitting on the hospital bed, and the head was scattered against the wall. After listening to these, his eyes gradually became cold...

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