My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3226: Your daughter started the company (5)

"The point is that after that time, I don't believe in love anymore... but then I accidentally heard the story of Su Yu in Su Ai's mouth."

"The story of our total Soviet Union?" Xiao Anhan Yan.

"Well, you Su Shao loves a female doctor for several years."

"Okay." Xiao An also finally had a bit of a look.

"Talking about the truth, about the gossip of Su Yu, I heard it all happen, many, many, the words in the circle, the online suede posts, and the fans on Weibo... In short, many, but I believe Su Ayi The character is not exaggerated. When she told me about Su Yu, I was shocked that he pointed his gun at his head, only to protect him from sleep."

"That thing is true, not rumors." Xiao An said.

"I know, so I said, I am very shocked. Compared with my negative heart who abandoned my girlfriend for the future, Su Yu is willing to give up her life for a girl who doesn't like her. I felt this kind of behavior at first. Stupid, but... Su Yu is not a fool, then I believe a word."


"All the encounters in this world are long-term reunion, maybe... Su Yu is emotionally entangled with her in her life, so this is the case in her life."

"We, Su, really love Dr. Huo, and loved the bones, but he never destroyed the family. Su is now a friend with Dr. Huo and Dr. Huo." Xiao An quickly explained to his boss. And the name.

"I know, so at that moment, I think, I want to see, will be this legendary infatuation."

"We are always not very good at women who don't like it. You know it when you know him for a long time. There will definitely be a difference... When you see that Su is not good for everyone, only good for Dr. Huo. At that time, you will feel uncomfortable, so I advise you, or retreat if you know it, whether it is for the Su family or for the true nature of the Soviet Union, he does not seem to be suitable for you."

"I didn't expect your kid to look stupid. He talked about the truth. It's quite like that...." Zeng soft bit his lip and laugh.

"I am also a good word, Miss Zeng, you are young and good, and your family is still very can find what you can find, why bother us to waste time."

"How do you know that I am wasting my time, how do you know that Su Yu will not fall in love with me?"

"With my understanding around him, I don't think Dr. Huo is still alive. Even if Dr. Huo is dead, he doesn't seem to like others. This is not an exaggeration, it is true."

"Su Yu turned out to be such a dead-hearted person." Zeng Rou felt.

"Yes, so in the past few years, many famous ladies have also had a good job. The shadows are also good, and the host is red. Everyone is eager to get close to him, but no one succeeds. The only way to use it is. I’m so worried, I’m still dying in the end, so I advise you not to dig holes for yourself.”

"I am a man, I really like challenging things. If you say this, I seem to be more interested in Su Yu?"

"Well, then I wish you good luck." Xiao An sighed, not much to say.

Zeng Rou, this woman can't say whether it is good or not, after all, I don't understand.

The character should be observed slowly, but will the Soviet Union like this?

Su Yu went out to intend to find Tangchuan Wei Liao to drink, and as a result, they were all empty.

A family gathering, one and Qinning drove to the neighboring city to see the Lantern Festival.

To Su Yuzhen, I was thinking of finding some rich second generation to drink in the group, and I received a phone call from Shen Mingxi.

"Su Ye, are you free, come out and have a drink?" Shen Mingxi's voice is a bit low.

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