My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3228: Your daughter started the company (seven)

"What a joke, of course, is a fake." Su Yu directly denied.

"I said, you have been so blind in the past few years, how can it suddenly..." Shen Mingxi said here, smiled.

"This crazy woman is not my dish."

"I know."

"Know you still ask?" Su Yule.

"Drink the bar and drink."

Shen Gongzi seems to be in a complicated mood tonight. He had to talk to Su Yu more, but later found some words but did not know how to speak.

Maybe I didn't think about it in my heart, so I was very entangled.

Nanshan Castle

When Qin Chu got off work, he personally drove his wife and children, and the bodyguards escorted one after the other.

After returning this time, Qin Chu paid extra attention to the safety of Huo Mian.

Because he knows that although Huo Siqian is controlled by himself, there are people who are more terrible than Hossein, and he has to deal with it.

And those people, for Hung Mian, are a bigger threat to their home.

After the family returned, Qin Chu Ma had prepared a sumptuous dinner.

"Wow, it’s so sweet, grandma, what good things did you do?" Douding asked as soon as he entered the door.

"Just your little girl's nose is the most spiritual." Mrs. Qin smiled and pinched the little face of the bean.

"Quickly say, Grandma, people are so hungry." Douding spoiled.

"How about dumplings? Happy?"

"Hey, isn't this what I love most, especially my grandmother's hands... so Grandma is an eccentric son."

"You little devil, it seems like you don't like to eat."

"I also love to eat, I am not picky eaters, as long as it is delicious, I love, haha."

Said, Bean Ding ran to the living room, and then suddenly fell into the arms of Grandpa to continue to spoil.

"You two will go to wash your hands and eat." Mrs. Qin looked at her son and daughter-in-law.

"Mom, you have dumplings again."

"Well, I listened to the kitchen yesterday and said that you want to eat dumplings with pickled vegetables." Qin Chu Ma said lovingly.

"I just said it casually, Mom, you are too hard." Huo Mian was somewhat unwilling to go.

Although I am pregnant, I don’t want to toss everyone because of my own privacy.

Especially the young mother-in-law, the elderly personally, mixing the meat, plus the bag, is also a waste of time.

Although there are maids in the house, the old people are still very personal in order to maintain the original taste.


"Look at what your child said, it’s all from your family. You are now the child of our family. Like Achu, what you want to eat, you have to do it naturally, go wash your hands."

The old man urged.

Huo Mian was full of joy and took Qin Chu's hand and went to the bathroom on the first floor.

When passing by the pudding, watching the pudding holding a mobile phone, do not know what to operate?

"Budding, what time are you coming back?"

"in the afternoon."

"Is it always in the Star Emperor? Stayed for a day?" Huo Mian was surprised.

"Well, at the office of Su Shuai at noon, I went to see the artist rehearsal of their company in the afternoon."

"You are very busy, how? Is you interested in filming?" Huo Mian smiled and asked the pudding, in fact, just ask.

"Mummy is going to talk to you about this topic. You wash your hands first, we eat."

"Amount... It seems like something big." Huo Mian laughed and didn't take it seriously.

When I was eating, the mouth of Bean Ding was once again smashed.

"Grandpa, I have good news to announce."

"What good news?" Mrs. Qin’s face was puzzled.

"You and my grandfather gave me a thousand pieces, I said, there are you, sister, you have the most money, you give me 10,000, or I will not say." Douding proudly smiled.

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