My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3234: Zhixin is finally engaged (3)

"What's wrong? Xiaomian......" Huo Mian suddenly changed his face, scared Qin Chu heart scared.

"He... just... I kicked me," said Huo Mian.

"Who?" Qin Chu suddenly did not respond.

"Your son……."

Qin Chu: ...

For a long time, when Qin Chu reacted, he smiled two times.

"This stinky boy, wait for him to come out, I will pack him well, actually dare to bully my mother..."

"This child is so small, so naughty, what can I do in the future?" Huo Mian licked his stomach and smiled.

I remember that pudding and pudding were not so naughty, okay?

After solving the pudding, the couple took a shower and went to bed.

In the middle of the night, Huoming was awakened, and the dumplings made by her mother-in-law were delicious, but the taste was a bit salty.

Huo Mian got up and wanted to pour a glass of water, but after she blinked, she saw that Qin Daren seemed to be sitting on the sofa by the window.


"How do you wake up?" Qin Chu looked back and was a little surprised.

"I want to drink water, a little thirsty."

"Well, don't move, I will pour you water."

"I want to drink ice."

"It's too cold, pregnant women can't drink so cold, it will stimulate the stomach, drink warm, okay?"

"Okay." Seeing her husband is so nervous, Huo Mian is not willful.

Qin Chu got up and put a big cup in Huo Mian in the heat preservation pot, and then handed it over.

"Husband, why are you still not sleeping?"

After drinking water, Huo Yin put down the cup and asked Qin Chu curiously.

She just looked at the phone, it was already one and a half in the morning, and her husband was still sitting on the sofa by the window. What is the situation?

"Oh, I am not sleepy, just think about some company things."

"The company's business is important, and it's not important. You can rest quickly, don't stay up late. If we study medicine, we should know how bad the night is to the body and how it affects liver detoxification."

"Yes, yes, I know, wife."

Qin Chu came up with a good temper and went back to bed and slumbered.

With a deep tiredness, Huo Mian turned over and fell asleep in Qin Chu's arms again.

And Qin Chu, but still can't sleep...

After the operation, he did not rely on drugs to fall asleep, so he still had intractable insomnia.

Although Huo Mian has returned safely and innocently, the knot in my heart cannot be solved.

Always feel that I may lose her at any time, very scared, more afraid, more nervous, more nervous, more anxious, which leads to the brain keep running, can not sleep.

In fact, these days, Qin Chu has a bad rest, and sometimes it is almost dawn, in order to take a nap.

But because I didn't get a good rest, my eyes were dry and stubborn.

However, these things, Huo Mian did not know, before he was sick, he would not allow everyone to tell Huo Mian.

late at night

Su Yu and Shen Mingxi finished drinking, and found the driver to pick up, Su Yu in order not to toss Xiao An, simply called a bar driver.

When I went back, I parked the car and originally planned to enter the villa.

However, when passing the tent, Su Yu glanced curiously.

At this time, the tent slammed open, and the inside of the sturdy stalks came out, and the nose was still bleeding...


"Su Yu, hurry to send me to the hospital, my nose is a big aunt..." Zeng Ruo rubbed his nose with his hand, but still could not stop bleeding.

For a time, Su Yu was scared enough.

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