My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3257: In this life, I only love him (six)

Smell the familiar taste, for a moment, Qin Chu's heart softened.

"Wife." Qin Chu raised his hands and placed them on the small hands of Huo Xia.


"How did you come?"

"I miss you." Huo Mian's spoiled directly on Qin Chu's neck, and pressed his face tightly on his face.

"Why didn't you call me in advance?"

"Come on the post, see if you have an improper relationship with the female secretary..." Huo Mian deliberately said so.

"You said that it is a big disrespect for Xiao Yang." Qin Chu smiled and laughed.

"It’s not impossible for Xiao Yang to go to Thailand to do surgery one day."

"Or, I called him in, you ask him?" Qin Chule.

"No, ha, I am joking, you are really boring." Huo Mian simply got up and wanted to go.

However, he was hugged by Qin Chu and held tightly in his arms.

“Is it heavy?”

"Heavy." Qin Chu nodded.

"You are looking for death, actually said that I am fat..." Huo Mian looked up and just gave Qin Daquan a punch.

Just listen to him and say, "You are always so heavy and heavy in my heart."

Huo Mian was warmed up in a flash...

She licked Qin Chu’s neck and tightened tightly...

Qin Chu smiled and patted her hand. "Wife, I am so mad, are you trying to strangle me?"



"I won't disappear, I will never disappear again... I will always be by your side."


"So you have been with me all the time, don't bother me, okay?"

"will not."

"Even if I am old, not beautiful, I don't want to give up." Huo Mian stressed.

"Wife, I want to say, you were not beautiful when you were young, okay?"

Huo Mian:......

"Friends do." Huo Miao whispered.

"Don't stop, I am joking."

"Decisive friends." Huo Mian is biased.

"A person has just vowed to tell me that he has not disappeared, and has been with me for a long time..." Qin Daren immediately took out a death-free gold medal.

"Nima, I finally know that the roar digs a pit and jumps on it." Huo Mian laughed.

"Hungry, don't be hungry, will I take you to eat?" Qin Chu looked at Xiaomian in front of his eyes, and his heart was full of happiness.

"Not hungry, I have eaten, I ate at Xiaowei's house."

"Are you looking for Dr. Jiang?"


"You didn't go shopping?"

"No, just go to her house to sit, she recently fell in love with the flower arrangement." Huo Mian said faintly.

She did not mention anything about it, and she did not want Qin Chu to know that she already knew the truth.

Since he wants to hide, continue to pretend that he doesn't know.

"Well, that's not bad, her character is too strong, feminine is a little better." Qin Chu evaluation.

"Husband, I bought you lunch."

"Oh? Actually there are surprises?" Qin Chu had some accidents.

"Well, you guess, what?" Huo Mian’s mysterious smile.

"Guess what the reward is."

"Reward you for a kiss."

"No, not enough, a wet kiss for five minutes." Qin Daren said decisively.

"You are so beautiful..." Huo Mian smiled shyly.

"If I can't guess, I will give you a wet kiss." Qin Chu said.

"Rely, how can there be such a cheap thing... You can't think about it, if you guessed it, give me one million, WeChat transfer is good." Huo Ming said proudly.

"So, your wife is not coming to give me lunch, you are to blackmail my husband, right?" Qin Daren cried.

"So, do you want to guess? Just one chance."

"Where is the thing?" Qin Chu asked.

"I am hiding."

Qin Chu: ...

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