My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3262: Group show love (1)

"To tell the truth, I think this is more like boasting, because I can't get any benefit from you. I really don't have to go to jealousy... praise you beautiful, you are not the anchor, I am not a fan, aren't you," Zeng Soft and straightforward.

"Okay, but you can't admire this kind of praise." Huo Mian lowered his head and said softly.

"Doctor Huo thank you for drinking coffee with me today, just come here." Zeng softly got up.

"You are not going to ask me what Su Yu likes, what do you hate, and do your homework?" Huo Mian thought that Zeng Rou wanted to get some favorable news from himself.

After all, knowing ourselves and knowing each other is a triumph... Many women have used such means before, although they have not succeeded.

Zeng soft smiled. "I don't want to, I don't think it's useless. Su Yu likes you. You are a baked potato. He likes to eat. Su Yu doesn't like me. I just do lobster. It still doesn't bother, so. What is his mood depends on people, not what they need."

"Well, this idea is very good, you make me look at each other." Huo Mian admire this woman.

"Nothing, I just like to be more real. Someone once suggested to tell me, let me imitate your temperament, imitate your dress, even let me go to the hospital to find a job, but I refused, because imitation Well, it won't exceed you, it will only be effective. I think the most important thing between people is frankness. I may be like this. I have some nerves, some nervousness, and even some female hearts. But I still hope that one day, Su Yu likes me like this, a real me, not through any disguise."

"Very good, just rush to this point, I hope you can succeed." Huo Mian also slowly got up, full of sincerity.

"Thank you, Dr. Huo, I hope I will have the opportunity to sit down with you for afternoon tea."

Subsequently, Zengrou took the lead to go to the bar to buy the order, and then waited at the door to sleep.

"I will go first, you go straight up." Zeng Rou said.

"it is good."


"I won't tell Su Yu, we have seen, you can rest assured." Huo Mian thought that Zeng Rou was afraid of telling Su Yu that they met.

With the character of Su Yu, you should lose your temper.

"No, I am not worried about this. I just want to say that you are pregnant now, be careful when going up and down the building."

"Thank you."

In this way, the two women parted ways downstairs.

When Hughing planned to go to the Star Emperor, he passed a dessert shop and bought two cones with change.

When Huo Mian went to the top floor, Su Yu was in the video conference.

"Huo, how come you?" Xiaoan saw some accidents in Huo Mian.

"I am looking for Su Yu."

"Su always has a video conference inside."

"Nothing, I will wait at the door, wait until he is busy." Huo Mian smiled.

"Don't, I think you still go in. If you know that I will let you wait at the door, I will interrupt my dogleg."

Huo Mian:......

"This is true, I don't want to back the pot, don't believe you look."

After saying that Xiao An picked up the inside line at the door and dialed a number and said to the phone, "Su total, Dr. Huo came and waited for you at the door."

Just listening to Su Yu immediately replied, "Wait, wait for her to come in."


Hanging up the phone, Xiao An gave Huo Mian a deep look.

That means, look, I am right?

There was not much in Huo Mian, and he smiled and pushed the door of the Su Yu office.

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