My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3272: Simple and rude is the land smoke (1)

"Do you know what to say, I will go to school, my class boys will call me a female hooligan..." Zeng said with a smile, I don't feel embarrassed.

"Miss Zeng, I am sorry, she is like this. I like to talk nonsense, I will take good care of it."

"Nothing, Dr. Huo, childish words."

After making such a scorpion moth, Huo Mian was a little angry and took the Bean Ding from Su Yuhuai.

Then I went to the side alone.

"Doudou, why are you talking to people like that?"

"Mummy, I said it, I hate her."

"If Su Shushu likes it, do you hate it?" Huo Mian asked her daughter.

"If Su Shushu likes it, let's talk about it, at least not like it now, she is here, it is really annoying."


Waiting for Huo Mian to talk, Douding ran away with a grimace.

The twins are so clever that in the end they are all children. When the children’s nature comes up, it’s really a ghost.

Huomian is a mother, hey, don't listen, call it, she is distressed, but also helpless.

Especially after the twins have been kidnapped twice, Humien cherishes this mother-daughter's sentiment and rarely shoots twins.

But if they don't fight, they sometimes talk about things, and they are really lawless.

Huo Mian didn't want to, and after they got bigger, it was very flying and there was no tutor.

At that time, people may say, look, Huo Mian and Qin Chu's daughter is just like this, taking advantage of his family is a bit stinky, no tutor.

Qin Chu did not know when to come over and put his hand on his wife's shoulder.

"What are you thinking, so ecstatic."

"I was thinking, puddings and puddings are becoming more and more self-willed. What can I do?"

"Slow down, they are still small." Qin Chu comfort.

"But what they all understand, it is deliberate." Huo Mian was helpless.

"Is it because the Bean Ding is unreasonable to Su Yu's girlfriend?" Qin Chu asked.

"Do you know?"

"It’s so big here, everyone knows it."

"Yeah, this child, do not know how, have a very good opinion of Su Yu's female companion, even our family's cool and witty pudding is also, does not seem to like Zeng Roo." Huo Mian worried.

"The two of them have a deep feeling for Su Yu. The heart that is out of the way for a while is normal. There must be a process of adapting slowly."

"I hope so."

Xixi looked at her sister and was hurt alone, and she could not stand it.

I don't know if I was holding Rick around and someone was supporting me, so Cassie took her sister and went straight to Su Yu and Zeng Rou.

"Xisi, what are you doing, I am not going to..."

"Nothing, sister, we used to say hello."

Then the sisters went to Su Yu and they followed.

"Hey, Su, you are coming, too." Xixi smiled and said hello.

"Well." Su Yu nodded politely.

"This is...?" Sicily deliberately asked Su Yu to look at Zeng Roo around him.

Nie Lingqi did not dare to raise his head, did not dare to look at Su Yu, even dare not look at the woman around him.

"This is..." Su Yugang wants to introduce.

Zeng Rou introduced himself and said, "My name is Zeng Rou."

She did not emphasize that she is a Su Yu, she is very self-aware, in case she introduces her girlfriend, and the family Su Yu denied, isn't it a beating face?

"Oh... Miss Zeng is the rumored girlfriend of General Su?" Sisi asked with a smile.

Nie Lingqi’s sister-in-law, who did not let her ask again, suddenly felt so good.

"It’s all an anecdote. If you ask, it doesn't mean anything, isn't it?" Zeng Roo replied vaguely, did not admit it, and did not deny it.

"How is your injury?" Su Yu glanced at Nie Lingwei.

As a boss, he vaguely remembers that the person who listened to the company said that Nie Ling’s distraction when he was filming, seems to have suffered a minor injury.

"Sister, you talk, Su always cares about you?" West said deliberately and loudly.

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