My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3281: Simple and rude is Luyan (10)

"You don't think we need to calm down now?" Joe asked.

"Oh..." In the end, Luyan only said two haha, which seems to contain a thousand words.

"Well, it seems that you have made the final decision."

After that, Lu smoke slowly moved toward Joe Fei...

Then he slammed into Joe's lower abdomen, and he couldn't help but bend down and kneel on the ground.

Then, the land smoke directly lifted the foot and kicked Amy on the ground.

This foot is a full force.

"Boss...sorry..." Amy vomited blood from her wounded mouth, but she still reluctantly squatted on the floor.

"Amy, you are not too short with me. In the past few years, there have been no hard work and hard work in the Nanzheng North War. In the past few years, you have sold for my life. You are not taking this commandment. But, ... don't let me see you later, you are also the best person to hide from us, or else... kill innocent."

"Boss... I..."

"Roll..." Lu Yan only said one word.

But the eyes have already had a strong murderousness.

Amy didn't dare to go out of the air, and even ran out.

Lu smoke swept a glimpse of Joe.

"Let's go."

"Small smoke..."

"Don't tell us, even if we are not lovers, we are not enemies... After all, I can't do things like Luyan, let's go, just like that."

After that, Lu smoke turned and opened the door.

Leave Joe a person alone.

after an hour.

On the terrace on the top floor of the hotel, Lu Yan had a bottle of wine and was already slightly drunk.


The person behind him seems to be afraid to go forward.


"They are gone."

"Where did they go?" Lu Yan asked.

"Back to Russia, I see that Joe's ticket is directly to Moscow."

"Oh, really..." Lu Yan just smiled disappointed.

"Amy, she... also went back with Joe."

"Dog men and women... it’s really good." Lu Yan sighed.

"Boss, do you need to send people to do it? They are not boarding yet, the airport is ours, as long as you order..."

"No need."

"Boss, but the two of them betray you so much...."

"I said no, don't you understand?" Lu Yan raised his voice.

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

"Do you understand that you still don't roll?" Lu smoked, and then a bottle slammed and broke on the ground.

Looking at the glass of a place, the men did not dare to say more, quickly pushed out and closed the door.

"How? Is the boss still very arrogant?" After going out, several other people asked.

"Sure, the boss is in a bad mood, it seems a little drunk."

"Mom, I really can't swallow this breath, Amy, this **** how to betray the betrayal, actually dare to seduce Joe Shao..."

"Yeah, I don't understand. The most important thing is that Joe Shao will actually look at her... I don't have a good look at our boss."

"You don't understand, we men, most of them are animals that are thinking about the lower body. I heard that the boss and Joe Shao are not really... inside... So Amy’s **** is definitely a sneak peek. After all, Qiao Shao is a normal man. It is also a matter of making mistakes. I just didn't expect Qiao Shao to break up with Ai for the sake of Amy."

"No, it’s the boss who found their scandal and took the initiative to break up with him. Both of them seem to have been injured. It seems to have been smashed by the boss."

"It’s light. With the usual temper of the boss, it should be a direct headshot."

A few of the men whispered, whispering gossip...

Suddenly, Lu Yan suddenly opened the door, and several of his men immediately fell silent.

"Give me a ticket, immediately, right away." Lu smoke said drunk.

"Okay, boss, where are you going?"

"China, C city."

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