My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3299: Big Devil Lu Yan (eight)

"Do you think I will be like this to my employees?" Su Yu instantly coldened her face.

"But Su, we are also in the interest of the company..."

"Benefit? Do you think I am short of money?" Su Yu continued to question.


"Don't say, today's topic ends here. Nie Lingqi's business is so decided. I not only support her studying abroad, but also sponsor all her tuition fees in the United States. She will also send her a house and a car for her in the United States. Use it over there, this is what I should do as a boss..."


"Shut up, go out."

Su Yu was angry, it was quite terrible. The deputy general saw that the boss was really angry and did not dare to say more.

Finally, I shook my head and went out. There was nothing between Su Yu and Nie Lingqi. The outsiders didn’t know, but the company’s people understood it.

Su Yu and Nie Lingqi can't say a few words in the end of the year. There is no reason to be like that outside. Because of the new love, they fall out of favor. These are definitely not reliable.

Although the incident has subsided...

But Zeng Rou but innocent was involved in the storm.

She likes live broadcasts, so occasionally boring at home will also play a few rounds of glory for the king, then open the live broadcast and talk to the fans.

However, since this incident, Zeng Ruo began to be inexplicably sprayed.

"Zeng Hao, you have the means to force a big star...."

"Awkward people, third parties must not die well, you will not have good results...."

"Zeng Rou, you are so ugly, do you know your mother?"

Once resentful reply, "My mom knows, thank you."

"Squatting... Why are you so shameless, in order to chase Su Yu, for money, for the sake of rights, in order to marry into the giants, actually shamelessly ran to Su Yujia, stalking and stalking, I heard that Nie Damei is because of you, Just broke up with Su Yu and went to the United States. Is it really good to break up people like this?"

"I am not a third party, thank you." Zeng soft domineering.

"You talk about you, spend the same age, not looking for an object, you have to seduce some boyfriends, you are a virtue, the Su family will not want you to enter the door, don't dream of flying on the branches as a phoenix, I wish you After Su Yu was tired, he ruthlessly smashed..."

"Where, you are so vicious, does your mother know?" Zeng Rou was also drunk, and the first time it was so intense with fans.

"Zeng Rou, I liked you very much before. I feel that you are talking humorously. Now I find that you are an uncompromising cockroach... The powder turns black, goodbye."

"Even if it is a watch, Laozi is also a Rolex... Slowly, don't send it, thank you." Zeng Ru took a straw and sipped a cola while replying to the fans.

"Zeng Rou this woman is too shameless, we all started up, human flesh her... killing her well... let her out of the door, see no one."

"Human flesh me? Oh, oh, you look at it... If you can get human flesh to me, I will call you 爹..." Zeng Ruo sneered.

The quality of the fans today is really bad enough. If you don’t figure out the truth of the matter, you will open up, and that’s it.

Also need human flesh, how many people are because of human flesh, resist cyber violence, and ultimately commit suicide and self-mutilation, get depression...

These fans, such a vicious young age, Zeng Rou really can not understand.

Yes, the sentence just now is not bragging. What kind of person is her dad? If she wants to be human, she can waste a lot of effort. The police chief does not dare?

At this time, Su Yu sent WeChat, Zeng soft looked down and looked at it. It was a voice.

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