My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3321: One million, accompany me for a drink (10)

"That is for sure, her face value is rare in the world."

"In fact, you are also super beautiful, my smoke." Huo Mian's pets stretched out his hands and pinched the small face of the smoke.

This is the first time in my life that someone is doing this to her.

It is estimated that if someone else’s words are not waiting for her face, both hands will be dislocated.

Luyan’s vigilance is very good, high enough to never sleep deeply.

Even if it is an embroidery needle on the ground, it is clear.

"Sister, okay, don't make trouble, go to bed, I am so sleepy..."

"Are you not sleeping on the plane?"

"Yeah, but I have to wait for the jet lag..."


The two sisters have a chatter without a word. Lu smoke likes the most dull feeling.

I finally felt that I was just an ordinary person. I was a younger sister and a child’s little sister.

Not the devil on the battlefield, not the king of the mercenary group.

It is not the number one wanted criminal, nor is it a special identity woman who is being pursued constantly.

After watching Lu Yan fall asleep, Huo Mian quietly got up...

She has been thinking about the problem of Qin Chu sleep.

Sure enough, when Huo Mian went to the study, it was already twelve o'clock, and Qin Chu was still working.


"How come you haven't slept yet?" Qin Chu looked at his wife tenderly.

"Smoke is asleep, I am bored, come over and see you."

"Go to sleep."

"Husband, I have laid the bed for you in the room..."

"I know."

"Then go to sleep now."

"There is still a little work in my hand, I will go there in a while, you can rest assured."

"No, I want you to put down your work now and go to sleep."

Qin Chu: ...

Looking at his wife's attitude is so determined, Qin Chu helpless, only compromise.

Turned off the computer, got up and walked over. First, the relatives hugged Huo Mian and kissed her forehead.

Then the husband and wife entered the room on the second floor together.

"You will not fall asleep with the smoke, and you will regret it. Will you sleep with me?" Qin Chu teased her.

"Cut, am I so ignorant? I promised a little smoke, I can't do it, I don't know how to do it... I just can't worry about you."

"I am not a child, what is not at ease."

When Qin Chu entered the guest, he discovered that the room was well-organized.

The lights were dimmed and the table was lavender-flavored.

The bluetooth speaker on the bedside is also filled with light music...

"Wife..." Qin Chu seems to understand the wife's intentions.

"Is there a sentiment?" Huo Mian smiled and spoiled in Qin Chu's arms.

"Well, if you are pregnant, at this moment, I think we should do something." Qin Daren said so explicit, so that Huo Mian cheeks slightly red.

Although I am already a woman, or a mother of two children, I have always maintained a shy girl posture in the affairs of men and women.

Really is not a contrived, it may be a question of personality, hey, can't open.

"Don't talk nonsense, what your son will hear..." Huo Ming pointed to his belly.

"What do you want? I mean, at this moment, the two of us should skip a waltz and drink some red wine or something."

"Hah, you deliberately play with me..." Huo Mian knew that he had been played by Qin Daren.

"Oh, go to sleep, you are pregnant, don't stay up late..." Qin Chu married his wife.

"Husband, I will go to work tomorrow, and the smoke may be boring. You can find Xiao Yang to take her around and go around."

"What a joke, do you let Xiao Yang go to Lu Yan?" Qin Chu felt that Xiao Yang's character was estimated to have been broken by Lu Yanyan in less than one day.

"Amount... what to do, can't let her go shopping?"

"I think Su Yu is good." Qin Chu said.

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