My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3333: One million, accompany me for a drink (22)

"That is the glory of the world."

"Is it the biggest?" Lu Yan does not understand the local market, so ask.

"Yeah, this night is only opened last month, people are crowded...and if girls go, don't buy tickets, boys say... the minimum consumption is 10,000 people."

"So a pit?"

"Isn't it, so say, this boss is naked and not very kind... Isn't this obvious to let the rich second generation play with the little girl, girl, listen to me, you don't go, you are so beautiful, go It will definitely cause trouble." Uncle said goodbye.

"Uncle, I tell you the truth, I am going to make the second generation."


"Well, then when I didn't say it, I wish you all the best."

Uncle seems to be very angry, really thought that Luyan is the kind of little girl who worships gold.

However, the uncle still regrets the slogan. "I don't want to talk about it. You said that you are so beautiful, you don't wear makeup, and you don't wear it. Going to that place, it's not good to find an object." It doesn't have to be happy to find money, know, man, if the character is not good, I don't know the pain, you find a world richest man."

What the uncle said is also the words of the lungs.

"Uncle, what you said makes sense, ha." Lu Yan is in a good mood.

It’s hard to get rid of Xiao’an’s little tail, and I’m sure to come out and lick it.

Of course, there is another point to retaliate against Joe's metamorphosis.

In the distant Russia, he stayed with Amy's little monk, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

Therefore, even the taxi uncle, kindly said all the way, Lu Yan is still going to the newly opened rich man's bliss.

In the end, Uncle was helplessly parked at the gate of Shengshi Mingzhu.

It is a fifteen-storey building that is really decorated very tall.

It's not the kind of local gold decoration in the past, but it uses a lot of elements in it. This boss is quite tasteful.

When Lu Yan entered the door, the security guard did not stop it, because the girl itself was free of tickets.

"Miss, are you coming to play, or are you looking for someone?"

"Come to play." Lu Yan said.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes." Lu Yan nodded.

"If you are alone, you are not advised to open a private room. It is better to go to the small square and sit there. There are many people there, very lively."


Lu Yan followed the waiter all the way to the small square, although it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, but it was already feasting.

Many people drink and drink, dance and dance, both men and women.

Perhaps it is not a famous brand to see Lu Yan wearing, I feel that she has no spending power.

So the waiter took her to a somewhat remote corner.

Then the wine was lost and the waiter was busy.

Lu Yan turned over the wine list without delay.

Not far away, one of the group of people pointed at the tip of the eye.

"Found a prey... Long less you see."

The man named Long Shao looked down at his eyes. Although he could not see the whole face, the side face was beautiful.

Luyan is definitely a clear stream in such a place, long hair fluttering, not wearing a small family, wearing simple white short sleeves, denim pants, white sneakers.

With a female college student is...

This is very good for the rich second generation.

"Go, tell her to come over and have a drink with me." The man named Long Shao said.

"Well," the dog's leg ran as far as the fart.

"Beauty, Long Shao invites you to accompany him for a drink."

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