My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3335: One million, accompany me for a drink (24)

"Dragon, do you want us to tie people in the past?" The bodyguard who was flattering immediately asked.

"No, I don't like to use strong beauty. You don't know too much about pity and jade... I haven't seen such a beautiful girl in the night scene for so many years. Those ladies and daughters are not as good as her one-tenth... This young master must sleep to her today."

"That... that little is going to run, ask her, 20,000 will not come?"

"You come back to me." The dog's leg was immediately shouted by the dragon.

"Long Shao, you said."

"Go, tell her, a glass of wine, 100,000."

"What? 100,000?" The people under his command are also somewhat aggressive.

You must know that this is the north. The custom of the north is to drink and drink. Many girls have been drinking with their elders since childhood, and they have a lot of drinks.

If there is 100,000 glasses of wine, if the girl has a good amount of alcohol and has three cups in a row, then isn’t it a profit of 300,000?

Besides, my young master is a little bit of money, but it is not so generous. It seems to be really tempting.

"I still dare to dare, let him go." Called Long Shao's kick on the dog's leg ass.

"Yes, yes, the dragon is small, the small one is going."

The dog's leg came to Luyan again, perhaps because it was too anxious, so a **** fell to the ground.

The face just stuck at the foot of Luyan.

"Beauty... Our family said less, a glass of wine, 100,000." The man made two gestures by drawing two fingers.

"100,000? Your young master has this financial strength, but also wants to make people pick up the girl, go home and hurry to wear open pants, don't make trouble."


When this person came back again, Long Shao’s eyes were always staring at the land smoke.

Just like a wolf staring at a sheep, his eyes are glowing with strange light.

"Boss, this woman is crazy, she humiliates you..."

"What did she say?"

"she says……."

"You don't give me a stutter, let's say it." Long Shaoyi slaps the palm of his hand.

"She said, you have this financial strength, but also come out to pick up a girl, hurry home and go to open the pants."

The one called Long Shao was finished, not angry, but he laughed.

"Haha, this girl I like, too, he has personality, I must conquer her in bed." The man named Long Shao made a great ambition.

"I am going out today, you go to tell her, a million glasses of wine."

"Long Shao... It’s not worth it, for a woman..." The people under him began to persuade.

"What do you know, I am happy, I have money."

It seems that the dragon brother is also struggling, so that his men are added to the sky.

"Beauty, we have less to say, one million glasses of wine."

"Yes? Finally, I am willing to go down the blood... so, let him prepare five million cash for it, I will drink it now."

"What do you mean, can't you believe in our young master? Are you from the village? Don't you know that Long Shao is the young master of Longxing Group? Our chairman is such a son, all the family business is her. I don’t know, a real estate that has been very hot recently. Longxiang Jiayuan is what our young masters have done, and the projects are over 100 million."

"Wow, it’s over 100 million... so much, a lot of money... I haven’t seen so much money in my life, your young master is really amazing.” Lu smoke exaggeratedly smiled.

"So, don't you know what to do, let's go, let's wait for the young master." The dog's legs urged the land smoke.

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