My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3341: Xiaomian, you killed me (5)

At this moment, the land smoke is just on a taxi.

"Nanshan Castle, thank you."

She sang a song in a good mood and reported the place name on the train.

"it is good."

The driver only said a word and never spit again.

The car started for about twenty seconds.

Lu Yan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

She saw the taxi driver driving with a hat from the front mirror.

The hat is very low, can't see the outline of the face, and the sound should be in his thirties.

The route of the car is indeed going in the direction of Nanshan Castle...

However, the land smoke is conditionally reflective, and the dagger is directly taken out and placed on the neck of the taxi driver.

"Miss, what are you doing?"

"Don't play, the old lady sees your purpose...say, who sent you."

"Miss, are you confessing the wrong person, I am a taxi driver."

"Oh... edit, then edit." Lu Yan sneered.

"I am really a driver. The driver on the photo is my white class. I am in the evening class. We both work shifts." He also explained.

"I finally ask you, if you don't say it, then I will send you to see Princess Wang."

Lu Yan’s hand holding the knife slowly pressed down.

The sharp blade is about to pierce the man's skin. ,

For a moment, he desperately resisted, and his right hand touched the pistol, only to find that the position of the pistol was empty.

"Is this looking for this?" Lu Yan shook his hand in a black pistol.

"I wonder how it is here for me? Because I stole five seconds ago." Lu smoke smiled.

"How did you see my identity?" The man did not feel that he had revealed flaws.

"Gluttonous... No matter how good you pretend, the natural murderousness of the killer can't be hidden."

"Then you are also a killer. Why did you not be murderous when you performed the task, and you were seen?" The man was obviously not convinced.

"Wrong, I am not a killer, I am a mercenary."

After that, Lu Yan’s hand slammed, and the man was immediately cut off his throat.

He suddenly licked his neck with his hands, but the blood could not stop spraying.

The scene is extremely glaring...

Due to his accident, the car was unstable.

Seeing the car on the viaduct, it is getting faster and faster, and the land smoke can't think too much, open the door and jump.

Then, before getting off the bus, there was a bomb that exploded in the car.

In this way, the car and the people in the car were burned into suckling pigs in the night, and there was no evidence of death.

In fact, don't ask, Lu Yan almost guessed who is going to kill her.

And actually know her whereabouts, tracking her to the night, and waiting for her to get on the bus at the door, the plan is perfect, but it was broken by the land smoke.

After Lu smoked off the bus, a black Toyota not far behind flew toward her.

Luyan shot directly into the cab... and then dodge to the side.

Fortunately, it is a big night. There are very few cars on the viaduct here, otherwise it will cause a chain accident.

After fifteen minutes

When Lu Yan’s people arrived at the news, Lu Yan was kneeling by a small river not far from the viaduct.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"If I have something, you will come here at this time, I have been screened, okay?"

"Don't you let us not follow you..." The man is also crying and laughing.

"Hey, dare to talk back to me?" Luyan stood up, using a pair of hands still holding blood, pinching the face under his hand and tearing him into a Shar Pei.

"Don't dare, haha... the boss is fine."

"Let's deal with these bodies, don't let the domestic police find out."


"Then you, boss...?"

"I have to go back to my sister's house to sleep, you don't have to follow."

"Wait, boss, Qiao Shaogang sent a text message to you to come to us."

"Why don't you send it to me?" Lu Yanang finished, looked at his watch, it seems that he accidentally shut down in the fight.

"What did Joe say?" For Joe Fei, Lu Yan is still quite concerned.

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