My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3355: Second-hand woman is worthless (eight)

"Amount...Sweet Miss She...sleeping," said the nanny.

“So early?” Shen Mingxi looked at the watch. It didn’t come back too late today. Shouldn’t this time be sweet?

"Really, she said... a little uncomfortable."

"Is not comfortable? Is it sick? Have you seen a doctor?" Shen Mingxi asked.

"Mr. You don't have to worry, Miss Sweet does not have a fever. It may just be a little tired. There are quite a lot of courses recently. She has not come to the language soon."

"Well, then there is something to report to me at any time."

"Okay, sir."


After hanging up the phone, the nanny said softly, "Miss Sweet, Mr. cares about you so much, I think... you shouldn't pick up his phone."

"What do you think? Why do you think that you are who you are? You are a nanny... It’s good to take care of my clothes, food and shelter, and to control people's personal affairs?" Sweet face anger.

"No, I don't mean that. I just think that Mr. really cares about you."

"Oh, care about me? If he really cares about me, he will not listen to her rumors and send me to this ghost place in order to reconcile with Wei Ying."

The babysitter saw this and did not dare to say more.

This little girl, very tempered, tempered when she was still moving, she also carefully waited for the work of high salary.

The child’s identity is also bizarre, only a few years old, and he is here alone, without his parents.

I don’t know much about going to school, I don’t know anything about it, I don’t talk to anyone, I don’t talk to the Chinese teacher in the school, I don’t have a friend.

Wei Ying came home and locked herself in the room after quarreling with her brother.

She secretly sent a WeChat to Shen Mingxi.

Wei Ying: Ming Xige, I am really sorry, my brother... I am a little excited.

Shen Mingxi: I can understand.

Wei Ying: Inside, just in front of so many people, my brother is really sorry for you.

Shen Mingxi: Nothing, I can expect it.

Wei Ying: Ming Xi Ge, then... then you should rest early.

Wei Ying actually wants to say something, but she feels that Shen Mingxi is not very emotional and does not dare to say more.

Everything that happened tonight seems to be too fast. Shen Mingxi is really sweeping the face of so many people this time.

The next day, if not, the news was passed out.

Tang Chuan, who was in the United States, made a phone call to Su Yu, and asked this question specifically.

"I rely on, second-hand women are worth the money? But also right, anyway, for Shen Mingxi, Wei Ying is still a hand, after all, he was also his former." Tang Chuan asked exaggeratedly.

"You don't care about people, just give yourself something to understand."

"My business is particularly clear, marrying Qin Ning and having a monkey." Tang Chuan proudly smiled.

"Less smug... who wants to have a monkey with you." Qin Ning kicked his knees on his ass.

Hanging up the phone, Su Yu just got up and drove to the company, and received a call from Zengrou.

"Mr. Zeng Da, what instructions?"

"Su... Mr. Su, hello, I am Zhang Qian, a good friend of Zeng Rou."

"..." Su Yu had a hard time.

"Last night, when she came back from shopping, she was hit by a car, now the hospital."

"What? A car accident?" Su Yu stunned.

"Yes, but don't worry, it's not very serious, the foot is hurt, the action is inconvenient... In this case, we are not in the mood to continue playing, can you pick me up?"

"Going to Singapore?" Su Yu suddenly realized the meaning of Zeng Rou's girlfriend.

"Yes, otherwise I don't seem to be so convenient for a woman to push her up and down the plane."

"Well, I will arrange it. You will send me the address of the hospital."

"Okay, Mr. Su."

Put down the phone, Su Yu took a look at Xiao An.

"Xiao'an, you immediately book your flight to Singapore."

"What?" Xiao An’s face was incredible.

"Take Zeng Luo back, she was in a car accident." Su Yu slightly frowned.

"Ah?" Xiao An is a slap in the face.

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