My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3379: I like Su Yu (eight)

"Not heavy, just twisted a bit... It will be good to raise a period of time." Zeng Luo laughed.

"That's good." Su Yu nodded.

"This... is the gift I brought back to you in Singapore."

"Ah? I still have a gift?" Su Yu was a little surprised.

"Amount, inside, not only for you to buy, Xiao An also." Said, Zeng Rou also handed out a bag to Xiao An.

"Thank you Miss Zeng." Xiao An did not tweak and took the gift.

"Oh, then I will thank you." Su Yu did not come to open it, just put things in first.

Then several talents went downstairs.

"Su total, I want to go out with you for a trip." Xiao An said in a low voice after Su Yu.

"Where to go?" Su Yu's face question mark.

"I heard that... inside, Dr. Huo was injured, I want to see her."

"Doctor Huo is sick, you can go to someone else, you are not a doctor." Su Yu deliberately teased him.

"I didn't go out with Dr. Huo's sister before, we are also friends, the little girl can be derogatory, spending money and running water is... very good one, just listening to the peas, they said that they are hospitalized, I I think I should go see her."

"When did you become so enthusiastic?" Su Yu asked.

"Boss... When are you so gossip?" Xiaoan said with some embarrassment.

"Haha, let's go, yes, come back and buy some food for us. We haven't eaten a few of them... I have no way to cook like that." Su Yu confessed.

"Well, what to buy?"

"Buy it casually." Then Su Yu turned and went to the sofa to accompany the pudding and doudding to play the game.

Xiao An hurried downstairs, in order to hurry to the hospital, he deliberately opened Su Yu's Rambo.

Southern District Sanatorium

Xiao An did not know the name of the girl, and forgot to ask.

I couldn't find out about the ward, so I called Hooneng directly.

Huo Jin is just in the office.

I took Xiao An to the ward, and the people of Lu Yan were in the hallway and saw that the people brought by Huo Mian did not stop.


"Well, is the little smoke inside?"

"here I am."

Homonia nodded and pushed the door open.

"Small you go ahead, I will go to a meeting."

"Okay, thank you Dr. Huo."

"Polite, you look at the little smoke, we should thank you." Huo Mian smiled, then turned and left.

Xiao An took a fruit basket and walked inside.

Luyan was lying on the bed and was playing the game.

I didn't like to play these things before, but since I was with him, I was deeply influenced by him.

Hearing the footsteps, Lu smoke thought it was his own.

"Get out, nothing to come in."

"You...the injury is all right?" Xiaoan gritted his teeth and asked some twilight.

Luyan heard the sound and raised his head.

"It is you……."

"Well, I heard that you are in the hospital, come see you."

Said, Xiao An put the fruit basket down.

"Hah, the fruit basket... is really the standard for visiting patients... Do you want to give me a red envelope?" Lu Yan teased Xiao An.

"Alright, then I will give you the package now."

"Don't stop, I am joking, you can sit down, Austria." See Xiaoan really want to go to the wallet, Luyan is also drunk.

"I heard that you have been fighting with people, and then... the brain is shaking?" Xiao An asked.

"Okay." Lu Yan answered the game while playing the game.

"Can you find those people? I will help you revenge." Xiao An said very calm.

"Hey... the inside... that gang guy... forget it, can't find it." Lu Yan thought, the gang, we didn't find out who, how do you find it, this kid is so naive. .

"Then you remember the looks of the gang, as long as it is the city, I will help you out."

Xiao An thinks that Lu Yan has been bullied, and this tone is very difficult to swallow.

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