My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3390: Random points (9)

"Amount ... sedative?" Lu Yan slammed, and did not dare to scream.

A few of his men, quietly gave a thumbs up to Huo Mian.

In the past few years, some people have dared to talk to her.

Even if she is a relative, she said a few words, she does not like to listen, they all hang up the phone.

Now Missy has said that she should give her a sedative. Lu Yan is actually stunned. Yes, she is afraid of her sister. It is as simple as that.

"Sister, don't give me a sedative, I am not sick, ha."

"Is this calm down?" Huo Mian asked.


"Don't you go to Moscow?"

"Don't go." Lu Yan shook his head again and again.

"That is still playing in the corridor, still not going back?" Huo Yin blinked.

"Yes, Queen."

Later, Lu Yanqi turned and went in, and Huo Mian followed.

In order to give their sisters two words, Qin Chu just ordered a cigarette to sit in the corridor.

"General Qin, your wife, too powerful, thirty-two praise." Lu Yan's men looked at Qin Chu smiled.

"Well, this world is this law, one thing is one thing." Qin Chu knows what they want to say.

"The temper of our boss, I thought that this life is not afraid of the day... I was afraid of Missy, hahaha."

"Yeah, this time is good. After the boss is crazy, we will call Missy."

"It’s too urgent to make a call. It’s useless to make a phone call. It’s only useful when you meet.” Qin Chu said.

"Then let us be the boss, always stay with Missy."

Several of the men were excited to start talking about it.

In the ward

"Sister, do you say that Joe is not looking for death?" Lu smoke angered and told the story before and after.

Including the plans they had agreed upon before, and later quarreled in the cold war, did not answer the phone.

By the time Joe had told Amy that she was ill.

"How do I feel that you are jealous?" Huo Mian laughed and saw Lu Yan.

"Hey, I am jealous? Impossible." Lu Yan killed and did not recognize.

"When you look at you, your mouth is hard. You are obviously jealous. Xiaoyan, you are so smart. You know, Joe is deliberately saying these things. He must know that you have a monitor over there, so you deliberately And those words that Amy said."

"He has come out of his fart, want to be mad at me?" Lu Yan did not suffocate.

"Are you not angry before?" Huo Mian laughed.

"I... I didn't mean it. Ok, I went out to play, and I was entangled in those flies." Lu Yan explained.

"Oh, no matter what the reason, you two, that is, the little couple quarrel, you look at you, you will blow up the people, so who will dare to marry you?"

"Rely, I use him, I have money, I want to find what kind of man can't find it, 365 days, change one day, I can stick to eighty years."

"Okay, you see you talking, you two, really childish."

After things were clarified, Huo Mian felt that the girl who was overbearing like Xiaoyan would have a jealous side.

"Sister, then I will swallow this breath?"

"Of course not. You are not saying good. When the time is right, will you have to kill those people in the past?"

"Yes, but I can't wait."

"You can't wait to see Joe?"

"No, who is rare, I want to... inside, kill my traitor Amy." Lu Yankou is wrong.

"Cut, don't believe."

"Right, sister, are you coming out in the middle of the night, twins? My niece didn't come with you?"

"The two of them didn't come back tonight and slept at Su Yu's house."

"Hey?" Lu Yan’s surprised eyes were falling out.

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