My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3421: Tang's marriage proposal (10)

"Oh, little ancestor, you haven't seen Xiaoyan have been talking to you, but your mommy is too fierce, and I won't let me interrupt."

"Then you don't interrupt."

"How can I help you without interjecting?"

"You can find a rescuer..."

"For example...?" Lu Yan looked at the bean curd curiously.

"Su Shuai is definitely not good. He is in front of my mommy, and we are almost in the same position as ours. My mommy will not give him face because I feel that he is indulging us."

"So, I have to call you at that time?" Lu Yanle.

"It's useless. I have always been confused by the beauty of my mommy. I have always been an eccentric wife, and I will not help us at all."

"Who is looking for useful?"

"You can find Aunt Ling Ling and Aunt Wei Xiao, they have a weight in front of Mommy." Douding.

"You might as well tell Xiaoxuan directly, you want to find Gao Boyuan to protect you." Pudding looked at his sister.

"Hey, it was originally looking for your male ticket..." Lu Yan began to tease the pudding.

"What boyfriend, Xiao Yan, don't talk nonsense, Gao Boyuan, he is not, I just listed him on the list of candidates, and I have to continue to observe."

"Small age actually knows to cultivate a spare tire, which is a great killer for my bean."

"Small you, apart from Uncle Joe, have you ever thought about loving other people?" Douding began to gossip.

"Cough, who said that I like Joe, I don't like him, it is his dead skin and like me." Lu smoke is not killed.

"Cut, the mouth is hard, you are just like my little aunt, obviously with Tang Dashu has been secretly Chen Cang, but still said that he does not like people, you adults are hypocritical."

Land smoke: ...

"Small, you don't care about her, she is going to eight women... Come on, how can you help me see this stock?"

The pudding took the tablet and sat next to Luyan. ,

"Oh, hate, then I am going to find Bo Yuan video."

Bean Ding turned and picked up the phone to start playing.

Su Yu private villa

Su Yu and Xiao An sat in the outdoor pool and enjoyed the cold. Zeng Rou sat on the sofa in the living room and sat on the mask. They did not interfere with each other. It seems that this three-person model is used by everyone.

"Su total, Miss Zeng want to live here all the time?"

"Look at her, I want to live and live, don't want to live and leave."

"How do I think she doesn't want to go at all, especially today you sent her several pairs of shoes."

"Cough cough... Isn't it necessary to send her shoes?" Think of the legend that Huo Mian said, Su Yuli's straightforward rhetoric.

"Well, count you." Xiao An admire the boss's kindness.

"Su total, I ask you a question."


"You said, what do you really like when you like someone?" Xiao An looked at Su Yu curiously.

"I am embarrassed, is this the topic that our two great masters should talk about?" Su Yu thinks that today's Xiao An is strange.

"I just asked me casually. You said that I had no social experience since I retired. I know a few girls who are looking good. I have a look at the original contact, so I thought, I should not really like it. They, if they really like someone, would they like to see her every day?"

"Well, this is true, I want to see her every day." Su Yu suddenly thought of Huo Mian.

"Oh... it turned out to be true." Xiao An said to himself.

"Well? No, Xiaoan, you tell me the truth, are you falling in love again?" Su Yu felt that Xiaoan was mysterious.

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