My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3443: Luyan’s ghost idea (2)

"There are gifts?" Lu Yan is grinding something that is not a perfume, something more vulgar?

At this time, the black Mercedes-Benz slowly came over and stopped at them.

Joe's men walked down from the car, holding a dark blue box in his hands, and the packaging was very delicate.

"Give you."

Joe Fei took the gift box from his hand and handed it to Lu Yan’s hand.

"what is this?"

"When I am gone, look again."

"Good earth you..."

Lu Yan thinks that Joe is not a lot of dialogue today, is it copied from the love movie, and the soil is so ruined.

"I am gone, you are jealous... Don't make me jealous again, or else..."

"You want to kill the city." Lu Yan said this for him.

"Yes, butchery."

Joe raised his mouth slightly, then hugged the land smoke and kissed her on the forehead.

Then turned and left...

The silver-haired man who is facing the evening wind, the cold freak, is really coming and going.

Just when Joe was about to get on the bus.

Lu Yan hand held the gift and suddenly shouted, "Joe metamorphosis, you are very handsome tonight..."

Qiao Fei stayed in the footsteps and looked back. He looked at Lu Yan with a deep affection and left.

Lu Yan knows how difficult it is for Joe to come out.

To avoid Jonan's eyeliner, it is also necessary to guard against Amy, but also to guard against the ghosts of the family.

Moscow is not close to the country, even if it is a special plane, it will take five or six hours.

So I really can't sleep well, and this is the first time Joe has sent her a gift.

I used to mix and drink, and she took her dollars and took her dollars.

This time, Joe's metamorphosis is so generous... and he hasn't got anything cheap. Lu Yan thinks that this kid is burning his brain.

Looking at the box in his hand, Lu Yan said to himself, "Isn't it a bomb?"

Qiao Fei’s car disappeared in the night without a trace. To be honest, Lu Yan was quite lost.

Everything just like a dream, this person suddenly appeared, and then accompanied her to eat and watch a movie, and suddenly went away.

Luyan sat on a step, put the rose in his hand down, and slowly opened the box.

Then... it’s bright.

"this is……."

Lu smoke was incredible, and the surprise was broken.

This is not a perfume lipstick, nor a rose evening dress.

This is the latest high-tech body armor from the Russian military factory.

Breaking the heavy sense of tradition, using new materials, light and thin, and the bulletproof effect is extremely cattle.

In the early days, this body armor was released for use, and Luyan has always been concerned.

However, it came out later that this body armor, because of its excellent production, has too much high-tech content.

I don’t plan to take it out at all, so it’s hard to get it.

As the first Russian gangster in Russia, Qiao’s family has a close relationship with the local gang.

Has been engaged in the business of arms sales in this area in Asia.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for Joe to get first-hand sources.

Just send the girl bulletproof vest, this is the first time I saw it.

But for Luyan, this is what she needs most.

It’s a hundred times stronger than sending cash...

"I can't see it, Joe is abnormal and you will vote for it..."

Lu Yan smiled and smiled, then got up.

The man under his hand drove the nanny car and immediately arrived, not to delay the boss for a minute.

"Boss, Joe is gone?"


"Then you didn't... inside..." Several of the men were quite disappointed.

"Which?" Lu Yan blinked.

"Nothing is ok, the boss is stable, ha, now we will send you back to Nanshan Castle to rest?"

"Resting the head, I want to take my gift, go to my sister, and abuse her, oh." Lu smokes a bad smile.

I have been abused for a whole day, and with this gift back, I have to avenge my hatred.

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