My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3472: Dr. Huo’s female bodyguard (1)

"Sure enough." Qin Chu a black line.

I know that my wife’s unexpected and cute performance is definitely something I want.

"Husband... isn't Han Xu married tomorrow?"


"So we have someone to go to the wedding, and the husband and granddaughter will definitely have no time to go."

"Go on then..." Qin Chu calmly watched his wife sing a one-man show.

"So I definitely want to represent our family and care for the wedding of some classmates..."

"Where is the focus?" Qin Chu hands on her chest and looked at her with patience.

"The point is... can I not bring the bodyguards that you gave me? I am not a military politician, not a big star. When I go there, there are a bunch of bodyguards. I am like a big belly, I have to be protected by others. Other students will definitely feel that I am wearing B."

"That is impossible, don't think about it."

Huo Mian did not want to bring bodyguards, Qin Chu directly rejected her request.

"Don't be excited, listen to me, okay?" Huo Mian continued to spoil.

"Wife, don't you say it, or else... I will sing you a song again?"

Huo Mian:......

"Hahaha, you don't bring such a bully..." Humeng couldn't help but smile.

For the first time, Qin Chu asked for his own initiative to sing wow, indicating that he was unwilling to continue talking with her.

"Without a bodyguard, it is definitely not good, my wife, everything else is good, but this thing... no talk."

"Husband, I didn't say one without, can I take one?"


Qin Chu is now doubled to Huo Mian, and he can't wait to be surrounded by bodyguards every day.

Since the last time, after Huo Xiqian took a hibernation, the relationship between Huo Mian and the professor seems to have been clearly seen.

Therefore, there will be a lot of enemies coming to Huo Mian, very many...

He also knows the strength of his men. If one is alone, it will definitely not work. If someone is drilled into a loophole, it will be too late to regret.

Qin Chu is not willing to make such a low-level mistake, so he would rather be blamed by his wife and refuse to compromise.

"Husband, I haven't finished yet. I said that I only bring one, but it is a small smoke." Huo Mian saw Qin Chu refused, and quickly showed his cards.

"You want to bring the land to smoke?" Qin Chuyi.

"Yeah, how? My female bodyguard is amazing? Haha, the strength of our small smoke is clear, she is enough to protect me alone."

"Wife, have you forgotten how Naru was blocked in the hall that day?"

"Amount... Is that an accident? People like Nalo are not visiting the market, they will not appear every day."

Qin Chu did not wait to talk, Huo Mian quickly pulled the hand of Lu Yan.

"Is it, Xiaoyan, will you protect me?"

"Amount... Sister, don't bring me to do the backing..."

Luyan was also somewhat entangled. The night’s horror was really scary. I really didn’t dare to go out with my sister.

"Husband... classmates, I don't want to go back and forth, I will be laughed at, you know my character, I never love the limelight."

"Brother, you agree, you see my poor little girl..."

Lu Yan saw his sister spoiled and felt that his heart had to be germinated.

"Husband, look, your son agreed to go?"

After that, Huo Mian was unreasonably pulling Qin Chu's hand on his stomach, and then making a grimace and tongue.

Not far away, Su Yu looked at such a picture, his eyes were a bit complicated.

"Old iron, no heart?" Wei Liao took a bottle of beer and asked.

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