My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3496: The last scene (5)

Inside a private club

Amy was brought into a house of Thai architecture.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Joe's father was sitting there with a ugly face.

"Joe... Mr. Joe."

"Where is my son Jonan?"

"Mr. Jonan? She is in Luyan. I told you that Luyan came to Thailand. This woman is very bad. She grabbed Mr. Jonan, you are going to save him, otherwise you will be in danger. Because Luyan has always been too invisible to Mr. Jonan."

"Edit, then edit..."

"Mr. Joe, I haven't edited it, it's true."

"The bodyguard with Anan comes." Joe's father looked at his men.

"Yes, Master."

Subsequently, Jonan’s personal bodyguard, a Russian white man who had just finished a gunshot surgery, was very excited after seeing Amy.

"It is her, the master she took away, she is."

Russian bodyguards shouted in Russian wow.

"The bodyguards have personally identified, what else can you say?"

"The fact is not like this. It’s Lu Yan. She pretends to be my appearance with Yi Rong. You don’t want to be fooled by her.” Amy tried to explain.

"Do you think it is a martial arts film? It is also easy to allow surgery. You are a woman who is really vicious. As a prostitute, I am not only not taking good care of her, but actually dare to hit the minds of my other sons."

"No, you really misunderstood." Amy cried and explained.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me, where is Anan?"

"Really in the hands of Lu Yan, you go to Luyan."

"I still dare to talk hard, come on, take it, give me words and confessions, until she is willing to say it, not allowed to die, watch carefully."

"Yes, Master."

After listening to Joe’s father’s orders, Amy was desperate for a moment.

She really regretted how she did not pick up the pistol given by Luyan and gave herself a happy time.

Now it is impossible to survive in this way.

The truth she said, no one believed.

Lu Yan’s easy-to-use technique was superb, and Joe’s father did not see it before, and he did not believe it.

Now Amy understands why Luyan does not directly throw her into the sea to feed the fish.

Instead, she was thrown directly into the street, in order to deliberately let the people of Qiao family catch her.

Qiao Nan’s disappearance is a big deal. Now Joe’s business is a matter of Qiao Nan’s management.

Many new customers are also friends of Jonan, so the old patriarch must use his son to recommend.

But now the party is down, but can't find the trace of Jonan.

Later, Jonan’s bodyguard escaped and said that the attacked person was also the bodyguard of Joe Fei.

Out of the house, Joe's father only felt a little bored in his chest.

"What is small?"

“Three young masters have been resting at the hotel.”

"Let him come to see me."


After fifteen minutes

Joe's car slowly entered the hall

Joe Fei seems to have long expected that he will be summoned by his father.


"Your niece kidnapped your second brother, do you know?"


"It’s just a short time."

"Father, you are not skeptical about what I am instructing. If I mean, I will not be so stupid to use my niece."

"Of course I know that it is not your relationship, but... Who is this woman doing for now? Is she Luanyan's eyeliner in our place?"

Joe's father seems to be very prejudiced against Luyan.

"What is this about Xiaoyan?" Joe was obviously intent on protecting.

"What documents do I want?"

"I asked Amy to send it to you, how? You didn't receive it?" Joe asked deliberately.

"What? You let that Amy send me?" Joe's father was obviously surprised.

"Yeah, I have already handed it to her."

"It's really noisy..." Joe's father was even more angry when he heard it. He didn't expect this woman to provoke such a curse.

On the other side, a basement

A cup of cold water, stunned Joanna, and his eyes were a delicate and extreme face.

"Wake up and swear, noble Joe Second Master." Lu Yan suddenly laughed, let Jonan fiercely fight a cold war.

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