My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 153 Visored's invitation

Soul Society.

Technology Development Bureau

Shimo's record has been transmitted to the Lingzi screen through the detection of the spirit tool

"Oh My God.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri sat on the swivel chair, making the sound of bones turning from the ground.

"This guy seems to be even more terrifying.

"It's really a headache!

He kept tapping his temple with his middle finger, making a thumping sound.

"Kyōraku Shimo, is there no end to his own potential?"

Although that was the case, Kurotsuchi Mayuri didn't feel the slightest solemnity on his face.

"Yinmeng, is there any way to deal with this guy?

Kurotsuchi Mayuri does not move, but his head is twisted 180 degrees, looking behind him

There is no expression on Nieyinmeng’s face, and he uses the characteristics of the Three Nothings to Ultimate

"Master Nirvana, I suggest you better not provoke Kyōraku Shimo again.

"Otherwise, I will most likely need to collect your corpse.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri tapped the hand of the workbench, suddenly startled.

Immediately, he was furious.


"Is this your suggestion?

"What a waste!

Facing the cursing and scolding, Nieyinmeng still showed no change in expression.

The scene before her has appeared countless times in her memory.

As soon as he vented his curse, Kurotsuchi Mayuri sat back in the swivel chair, his eyes twirling in his orbits.

"Forget it, there is no way to take this guy for the time being.

"But I have time and I can always find opportunities.

"First, let's pass on what happened in this world to a team!

I saw Glee operating on the keyboard under the screen, and the crackling sound continued to be heard in the laboratory.

Soon, the matter about the battle in this world was transmitted to the first team.

Including the detailed process of Shimo beheading Yammy

This world.

Karakura Town.

After Yammy is solved, the present illusion has come to an end for the time being.

Shishi returned to the Urahara store, and conducted further research in response to the newly emerging incompleteness.

Intercepted part of Menos Grande's body and threw it to Urahara Kisuke

A new round of research life has begun again.

Urahara Kisuke is addicted to it, but Shimo is not very used to it.

After meeting Rukia, he decided to return to Soul Society.

Concerned about Rukia’s safety, Shimo sent him to Karakura Town.

Without Aizen's prying eyes, Karakura Stare has become the safest place in the world.

The four captain-level combat strength stayed here for a long time.

Not to mention Menos Grande, even if you come to a few Espada, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break Karakura's eyes for a while.

Its safety level is close to that of You Lingting.

But when Shimo was about to leave, Sudden Jiang Tessai suddenly approached him.

"Mr. Shimo.

In the face of the strong, Tessai maintains the respect he deserves

Not to mention Shimo is still a customer of Urahara store

At this time, Shimo had already opened the door to pass through.

He turned his head in surprise, looked at Tessai, and asked:

"What's the matter, Mr. Tessai?

Holding the Hui Tessai's head slightly lowered, expressing distraction.

"Visored people, want to see you.

"However, concerned about the issue of concealment, they are not ready to leave the enchantment for the time being.

"So, this is an exciting letter!"Talking, holding ginger Tessai took out a letter from his pocket

On the envelope, a pair of bone masks gave out a negative smile, which looked a bit like Visored.

Shimo tore open the envelope, took out the letter and read it.

After a while, Reiatsu surged in his hand, tearing all the envelopes and letters into small pieces and scattered them on the ground.

Thinking about the content of the letter, Shimo thought about it a little in his heart.

"The words are sincere, it looks like it's just an ordinary invitation!

Soon, he made a decision.

"It's also idle to be idle, it's better to meet the previous side."

"I am also very curious about the purpose of these guys."

Tessai Tsukabishi's nervous expression eased, and he sighed in relief, and said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Shimo is willing to go, it couldn't be better.

"This is the specific address.

I saw that Tessai took out an envelope again and delivered it to Shimo.

Upon seeing this, Shimo expressed an accident.

"These guys are quite cautious.

Holding Wei Yizhai in silence, facing Shimo, he didn't know how to recommend him.

It can’t be said that it’s because of you that you are so cautious, right?

Shimo wrote down the address, and suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, does Mr. Tessai remember Shiba Ouji?

Hearing this, Tessai Tsukabishi's expression was startled, and then his face was shocked.

"I don't know, I don't know, I haven't heard of it!"


When the voice fell, Tessai Tsukabishi turned his head and left, not even paying attention to the image of courtesy he had always maintained.

Looking at his distant back, Shimo stroked his chin and thought!

"Shiba Shengji, is there such a horror?

"Ji Gan Jiang, the big leader Kidō was scared like this?

If Tessai knew what Shimo was thinking, he would definitely turn his head back and explain to him.

That guy Shiba Shengji is not an ordinary horror.

As an avid fan who can meet his idol at any time, you can hardly imagine what he will do

Holding the huitie boasting is not too disturbing, and even made a request to the first team to move away from the Kidō crowd.

Unfortunately, at the time, Yamamoto Genryusai did not agree with this matter.

Until later, the Hollow incident happened,

Tessai and Hachigen followed Urahara Kisuke and fled into the world.

However, as entrusted by the faithful, Shimo decided to relay Shibaoji's request to Tessai.

Ever since, he shouted loudly:

"Mr. Tessai, Shibaoji, please ask me to tell you.’

"He has been sticking to the Kidō crowd, waiting for you to go back!"


I saw Tessai Tsukabishi's tall and burly body running, and a super head fell into the soil.

A large amount of dust lifted up and covered it,

"Tsk spray.

Shimo looked at the scene in front of him, expressing his amazement

At the same time, he also has a new understanding of the horror of the current master Kidō Chang Shiba.

Shimo looked at Nilu next to him and said softly:

"Let's go, Nilu.

"Come with me to meet these "hospitable" Visored!

Mitsu stare.

Maybe it’s because of the chaos, or maybe it’s related to Kurosaki Isshin,

Unlike Shimo's memory, Visored did not choose to settle in Karakura.

They changed their hiding place to Mizu Town, one city away from Karakura Town.

This place is just on the edge of the heavy spiritual land.

However, as in the original book, Visored still chose the abandoned warehouse.

It seems to show the sincerity of my group

This abandoned warehouse seems to be Visored's main base for many years.

When Shimo and Nilu stood in front of the warehouse, they already felt the faint waves of Reiatsu coming from it.

"Bahwa Shuangya."

There seemed to be stars twinkling in Shimo's eyes.

"Mr. Tessai, Shibaoji, please ask me to tell you.’

"He has been sticking to the Kidō crowd, waiting for you to go back!"


I saw Tessai Tsukabishi's tall and burly body running, and a super head fell into the soil.

A large amount of dust lifted up and covered it,

"Tsk spray.

Shimo looked at the scene in front of him, expressing his amazement

At the same time, he also has a new understanding of the horror of the current master Kidō Chang Shiba.

Shimo looked at Nilu next to him and said softly:

"Let's go, Nilu.

"Come with me to meet these "hospitable" Visored!

Mitsu stare.

Maybe it’s because of the chaos, or maybe it’s related to Kurosaki Isshin,

Unlike Shimo's memory, Visored did not choose to settle in Karakura.

They changed their hiding place to Mizu Town, one city away from Karakura Town.

This place is just on the edge of the heavy spiritual land.

However, as in the original book, Visored still chose the abandoned warehouse.

It seems to show the sincerity of my group

This abandoned warehouse seems to be Visored's main base for many years.

When Shimo and Nilu stood in front of the warehouse, they already felt the faint waves of Reiatsu coming from it.

"Bahwa Shuangya."

There seemed to be stars twinkling in Shimo's eyes.

Obviously, he has already activated his own spirit barrier ability

Observe the Kidō enchantment created by Hachigen from the internal structure

In Nilu’s eyes, on the abandoned warehouse building in front of her, there is a Kidō enchantment, and Reiatsu is thick and heavy.

However, in Shimo's view, countless black lines are constructed as a transparent barrier, which completely covers the building.

Not for a moment. At that time, I wrote down the pressure structure of Baduo Shuangya

In other words, even when there is no chanting mantra, Shimo is able to display Hachigen’s original Kidō.

Of course, it may be reduced in power,

However, Yashou Shuangya is originally a high-level Kidō enchantment in disguise, and its main use is just to prevent Reiatsu's detection.

Of course, this thing can't stop Shimo's spirit barrier.

His gaze penetrates the eight and two cliffs, and he already sees the Reiatsu aggregate inside

"Eight people, it seems that they are ready to welcome guests.

Shimo didn't hesitate to push the door in front of him and walked in.

Immediately, in the empty abandoned warehouse, steady and slow footsteps sounded

Echo, slamming on the wall, shaking the inner Kidō enchantment

"Oh oh oh!

Kansai accent came from the dark environment, Shimo looked in the direction of the sound

I saw a young man dressed in a white shirt and black tie walking out of it.


"Shimo first

Hirako Shinji's voice suddenly stopped

The voice that was originally lighthearted also became solemn.

"Bring Arrancar Menos Grande, what exactly do you want to do?

Shimo followed his gaze, but found that Hirako Shinji was staring at Nilu beside him very vigilantly.

"It seems that Kisuke didn't tell you anymore.

He stretched out his finger and pulled gently on the death-tyrant outfit that Nilu was wearing

"No, you don't see it.

"Nilu has already joined the third division.

"This matter was approved by Captain Yamamoto!"

Hearing that, Hirako Shinji's pupils shrank suddenly, flashing a look of surprise."Is that so?

"It's really surprising!"

"Then, please come with me.

In the face of Shimo, Hirako Shinji’s past attitude of lightness is missing, replaced by a seemingly relaxed solemnity.

No way, after hearing about Shimo’s record, no one can keep calm

Even the strength of Visored is extremely strong in the Lingting Palace.

Shimo did not refuse, but followed behind and walked towards the bottom of the warehouse.

In terms of caution, Visored played to Ultimate.

Outside the abandoned warehouse, there is a high-level Kidō enchantment like Bashou Shuangya.

And in the underground Ningjian outside of them. There is also a high-level Kidō enchantment


The sound of steady footsteps, the moment it fell in the underground space, Shichido Reiatsu rushed out

However, after detecting the existence of Nilu, Reiatsu of this group of guys became full of vigilance!

Pass. although. although.

Xu Shunpo, the high-speed Shunpo, came to Shimo in an instant.

In No. 860 of the Censorship Attack, these guys seem to have pulled out their Zanpakutō,

Looking at the blades placed in front of him, Shimo looked calm and said:

"Is this how you Visored treats guests?

Hirako Shinji hurriedly persuaded:

"Hey, don't be arrogant!"

"Mr. Shimo is our guest."

"And Arrancar next to him is also a member of the third division!"

When I noticed the death tyrant on Nilu's body and the logo of the third division.

Everyone showed incredible expressions on their faces.

"How can it be

"This violates Soul Society's regulations!"

"Those guys, do they finally know how to work around?

Although I didn’t understand it, under the urging of Hirako Shinji, these guys put down Zanpakutō in their hands.

It was originally just an ordinary invitation, and it seemed a bit unusual with Nilu's arrival.

After a while.

Naoko Hirako moved the carpet and low table

As the core figure of Visored, he became an active conversation with Shimo

The two sat cross-legged on the carpet, looking at each other.

As for the others in Visored, they are scattered throughout the underground space.

Although they are far away, their eyes have been focused on Shimo.

They have not had contact with Soul Society for more than two hundred years, and they are very curious about the emerging third division captain Kyōraku Shimo.

The killing of Tousen Kaname was also learned through Urahara Kisuke’s information channels.

Shimo's behavior actually helped them repay part of the hatred they once had.

Therefore, the people of Visored still have a good opinion of it

After the misunderstanding was resolved, everyone’s attitudes also eased a lot.

"So I said."

Shimo's mouth raised, "Mr. Shinji, why are you inviting me to come?"

Hirako Shinji put his arm on his cheek, and his tone returned to his usual light pick.

"Sa, it seems that Mr. Shimo still doesn't understand us a little bit!

Looking at Hirako Shinji in front of him, there was a chill in Shimo's heart.

"Be normal, I'm afraid."

Hearing this, there was an unabashed ridicule on the boulder not far away.


"You bald, are you hated?!"

Sarugaki Hiyori’s character is straightforward


Naoko Hirako coughed slightly to hide his embarrassment.

"If that's the case, then I'm straight to the point.

"I want Visored to cooperate with You Lingting!".


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