My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 158 Hueco Mundo crusade against the team, a special mission!

Shimo had some guesses about the appearance of this black foreign body

It's like the special Arrancar made by Aizen. Like Khandawise Margera

His home blade is called the Fire-Fighting Prince, which was specifically used to target Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, and is the biggest star of his Zanpakutō Ryūjin Jakka.

At the moment, it is clear that Aizen is targeting himself.

Trying to recite the ability of Hōgyoku to make Arrancar to block one's own space ability,

As for the success, Shimo doesn’t know and doesn’t care.

Space ability is just one of his methods.

Among its many abilities, this is already the most common.

If Aizen really only wants to target his spatial ability, then when it comes to the decisive battle, the time will inevitably give him a great surprise.

With the gradual increase in strength, Shimo is no longer confined to Aizen, but is targeting more secretive people.

For example, above the sky.

Shimo threw the daylight onto the container again, and the thin air-cutting blade turned it into nothingness

From this alone, one can vaguely perceive that something is just a semi-finished product.

No, maybe it's not even a semi-finished product, it's just a prototype with spatial characteristics.

However, everything is difficult at the beginning. Shimo still believes in Aizen's research ability.

In the coming period of time, there will be countless similar imaginaries appearing in "Hueco Mundo" or in the present world.

The smile on Kurotsuchi Mayuri's face disappeared, and there was a faintly gloomy color among the blinking eyes

His request was refused time and time again, but there was no way Shimo could do anything.

This kind of unknown thing was placed in front of him, but the feeling that he couldn't detect it gradually made his psychology go to an extreme.

"damn it

The creak of teeth grinding sounded in the private laboratory

Shimo raised his eyes and glanced at Kurotsuchi Mayuri, and found that the other party did not hide his desire and greed in his heart

"Curiosity is the primary driving force for scientific progress.

Shimo said lightly, "But being overly curious will eventually push people into the abyss.

"This is my last warning to you.

After all, he looked at Nilu who was watching around in the laboratory, and whispered:

"Nishou, let's go.


The two immediately left the Technology Development Bureau.

Shimo's warning made Kurotsuchi Mayuri lost his thoughts.

His thoughts lingered between curiosity and danger.

"Should Jing take this last step?

Kurotsuchi Mayuri's self-talking voice echoed in the private laboratory.

Shimo, who left the Technical Development Bureau, received a special message.

The object in charge of this communication is a hell butterfly flying in the air.

Shimo stretched out his finger to let it fall on it.

Small sky is quite empty Luo Lianxun

A voice appeared in Shimo's ear.

"Captain Shimo.

Shimo's brows moved slightly, distinguishing the owner of the voice.

"Vice Captain Chojiro."

Chōjirō Sasakibe's voice is a bit heavy, with a little weirdness in his tone.

"For your counter-offensive suggestions to Captain Yamamoto.

"Central 46 has been fully approved

"Captain Yamamoto also has no objection.

Shimo listened quietly, his expression unchanged

"But because of the safety of Soul Society.

"In this attack, "Hueco Mundo", Captain Yamamoto will not be involved.Hearing that, Shimo was not surprised.

This kind of thing is normal, if all players attack "Hueco Mundo"

Then Aizen stole his hometown with a backhand, which was dumbfounded.

"So, he left this task to you.

Shimo: "

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?

Why did it end up on my head in the end?

"But the captain did not let you go to "Hueco Mundo" alone.

"In addition to Visored, you can also choose four captains from Gotei 13 to accompany you!

Chōjirō Sasakibe's voice is a bit serious, "including the selected deputy captain.

‘And all this will be done after the intelligence investigation of "Hueco Mundo" is over!

Shimo's eyes flowed, passing his own voice through Reiatsu transmission,

"I see.

"I will consider this matter carefully."

The moment his voice fell, the familiar system voice sounded,

[The new check-in task has been released, please check-in in the Palace of the Night by the Host. 】

[Task reward: Cero! (Need to open the virtual system)]

"Hey, it looks like I'm going to have a snack now!"

Shimo took a breath, his expression a bit solemn

With the end of the call, the hell butterfly fluttered in his hand and returned in the direction it came.

Seeing the Hell Butterfly turned into a black spot, he was also plunged into thinking.

Regarding the change in Arrancar’s strength, he has to be cautious in the selection of helpers.

Most of the current captains have a good relationship with him.

If there are casualties in "Hueco Mundo", Shimo's heart will not feel good.

"By the way, who are you looking for?"

Shimo pondered it carefully, a little bit awkward.

First exclude the two disciples of Yamamoto Genryuzhai, Kyōraku Shunsui and Jūshirō Ukitake

Even if they were willing to follow the past, it is estimated that Yamamoto Yuan Liujian would not agree.

Broken Bee can think about it, but it's lacking in strength, almost meaning

Taking the enhanced Arrancar as an example, it is estimated that she can only bully and bully Zommari and his like

Sister Hua can be considered, and if she is strong enough, she can still carry out rescue operations.

It’s okay.

As soon as the Baidi sword was released, an Espada was hacked to death, which shouldn't be a big problem.

As for Zaraki Kenpachi, after hearing about this, he should take the initiative to find himself.

In this way, add a Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

Siping has become the team to fight against "Hueco Mundo" in the original book.

Shimo was thinking, and suddenly realized that he had walked back to the third division team house.

In the captain's team house.

A familiar figure, sitting in the position where he usually sits,

The black drooping ponytail covers the back, the slender legs sit cross-legged, and the thin arms support his head, giving people a sense of boredom.

"I forgot to consider my own deputy captain.

Shimo laughed blankly and walked towards the captain's team house.

"Sister Yoruichi, is this waiting for me?"

Hearing Shimo’s voice, Shihouin Yoruichi turned around and saw the two return leisurely from outside

His eyes became a bit resentful for a while,

"Leave all the tasks of the third division to me, and then go outside and get away with Nilu by yourself?"

Shihouin Yoruichi puts his hands on Shimo’s shoulders, eyes facing each other

Hearing that, Shimo's expression was a bit awkward.

Although these words are somewhat different from reality

But generally speaking, there is no problem.

"This matter, you can’t just look at the surface

Shimo tried to restore his image.

However, Shihouin Yoruichi moved forward a little further, a soft voice rang in his ears



Ni saw the scene in front of her, her mouth pursed slightly, she was a little bit dissatisfied.

"Shimo is mine!

When the voice fell, she hugged Shimo tightly from behind


Shimo coughed slightly, his hands seemed to be nowhere to rest for a while

Fortunately, Shihouin Yoruichi stopped in time and let go of him.

"Well, I won't make trouble with you.

"I came to you, there is indeed something to do."

After getting serious, sit back to his original position.

Nilu also loosened her hands cleverly and sat quietly.

"whats the matter?"

Shihouin Yoruichi served as the captain of the second division, and his ability to handle affairs far surpasses Shimo.

No, it should be said that any captain can surpass him in handling official affairs.

Shihouin Yoruichi frowned slightly and seemed to have a headache.

"You haven't forgotten the main responsibilities of the third division?

Shimo was taken aback, and immediately replied:

"Of course I didn't forget.

"As a support team, we need to support those teams that are understaffed at any time.

"Under special circumstances, it is also necessary to provide assistance to other troops, such as Kidō.

Hearing that, Shihouin Yoruichi's mouth raised slightly and smiled:

"As the captain, it is not easy for you to remember this.

To get rid of one's own son at times to pretend to be embarrassed

"So, a new task is here!"

Shihouin also took out the document from his arms and put it in front of Shimo

Shimo's eyes twitched slightly as he watched this movement.

Do you just do whatever you want?

"For the Spiritual Arts Academy, a kendo teacher is needed.’

Shihouin Yoruichi explained, "You should know that I am not good at kendo.

"In addition, the other officials are all out to perform tasks.

"Even Kira went to the eighth division to collect information.

Hearing this, Shimo rubbed his eyebrows.

"Why is there a sudden lack of kendo teachers in the Spiritual Academy?"

Shihouin Yoruichi drew circles on the document with his fingers, and said:

"It seems that Shinigami named Miyano Kaede died in a mission.

"Although that Xu was killed by another team member, he could not save his life after all.

"As for the new kendo teacher, he is already being selected.

Hearing this, Shimo's expression was a little surprised

"Miyano Kaede, dead?

Shimo still has some impression of this former kendo teacher

Although he didn't teach himself anything.

After a long time, he sighed slightly:

"Unexpected and pleasant surprises, you never know who will come first."

After thinking for a while, Shimo decided to take on this special task

Think of it as helping Miyano Kaede’s career, draw a perfect end

"Your business is over.

Shimo looked at Shihouin Yoruichi and said:

"I still have a task here, do you want to go with it?

Shihouin Yoruichi blinked his eyes, revealing a cat-like cunning.

"You speak first, let me consider it.

Shimo did not hesitate, and directly informed her of the events of the past two days.

"So, are you going to enter "Hueco Mundo"?

Shihouin Yoruichi's face is a bit less ethical, more solemn,

Shimo's forehead, 863 said

"Including me, there will be a total of five captains and adjutants going.

"Besides, there is the Visored group."

After listening, Shihouin Yoruichi looks down, seems to be thinking about the pros and cons.

After a while, she raised her eyes to Shimo, decisively:


Shimo was taken aback for a moment, and persuaded:

""Hueco Mundo" is very dangerous, and we are likely to get stuck in it.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shihouin Yoruichi.

"Because it is very dangerous, I have to go with it.

"Your safety is more important than anything in my eyes!

Looking at Shihouin Yoruichi's solemn expression, Shimo was slightly startled, then the corners of his mouth rose, and he smiled:

"I see.

"I want to go together too!"

Shimo followed the voice and saw Nilu who was sitting still pulling his arm.

There is a firm look in the golden-green eyes

The team to defeat "Hueco Mundo" is temporarily set.

Shimo also put this matter aside temporarily

Before the relevant information was communicated back, Yamamoto Genryuzhai would not allow them to go to "Hueco Mundo".

For now, let’s think about how to teach this matter.

Zhiyang Spiritual Academy,

For Shimo’s arrival, the dean of the Spiritual Academy expressed a warm welcome,

However, in Shimo's view, his task is only limited to the flattery of superiors and superiors.

Special class.

"Have you heard?"

A young man with slightly yellowed hair with a mysterious expression

"Today, a new kendo teacher will be sent to us from above!

"Oh, your news is too late.

Someone disdainfully said, "I heard that I was a captain!"

"Captain? How is it possible?!

"How can a strong man of that level teach us kendo?

The yellow-haired boy who had spoken earlier turned a little excited.

"If it is really the captain, then we must have made a lot of money this time!"

A lot of discussions spread outside the classroom.

Reiatsu oppressed, like a landslide, covering the entire classroom

Suddenly, the sound stopped abruptly.

Shi Pai walked into it slowly, and the symbol on his captain Yuori appeared in the eyes of everyone

Frightened, take everyone's heart away.

They stared blankly at Shinigami on the stage, unable to believe their eyes

At this time, the thoughts that appeared in everyone's hearts were surprisingly consistent.

The legendary captain of the third division actually came to teach us kendo?!


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