My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 450 A good weather

"Hu, hu, hu" After sailing for about two days, there was a strong wind in the cloudless weather. Immediately after dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, it seemed that it was about to rain heavily.

"Next, it's not a good weather!" While driving the Marine warship, Nami watched the wind and weather outside the cabin.

Nami not only has a keen ability to sense the direction of the map and the entire sea area. Nami’s Master is also very punctual every time the "Zero and Five Zero" changes to the weather.

Of course, the reason why I can be a good navigator. These abilities are also essential

It's just that these abilities of Nami are more outstanding than the navigators on other pirate ships.

"Since it's not a good weather, let's sleep well!" Shimo is not in a hurry with Nami, the navigator. Windy and rainy weather, isn’t it a good day to sleep?

Moreover, how long have you just left Cocoyashi Village now? There is still a long sea route to sail from the destination Logue town

"Huh, huh, huh!" Although Shimo said so, Zoro had already finished exercising and fell asleep.

Don't say anything, Monka is cruel though. This can be on a warship, but everything is sound. For example, the fitness equipment used by Zoro for fitness is everything

"Oops!" Nami set the direction of the warship, when he wanted to move forward in this storm. But found that the navigation pointer on his wrist was disordered. Causes the pointer to appear to move left and right

"Is it because of this coming storm?" Nami was a little puzzled.

In principle, a normal storm will not interfere with the navigation pointer, because the pointer relies on the magnetic field to indicate the direction. If you want to disturb the direction of the pointer, you must change the magnetic field.

However, if it is just a storm, it is basically impossible to change the magnetic field here.

Of course, Nami just knows that it is generally impossible. After all, in this world, anything can happen.

‘What a bad sign! "Nami said worriedly.

However, now that the matter is over, Nami is relieved... After all, the navigation pointer has become like this, and there is no way.

Then just rely on feelings.

Thinking like this, poured a cup of hot tea, Nami Master pointed in the direction of the warship. I want to pass through this storm through my own judgment. As long as you pass through this storm, it is estimated that everything will be normal. Including this navigation pointer on my wrist

Gradually, the wind became tighter and tighter. The entire space was shrouded in black clouds. It seems that a heavy rain is brewing.

At the same time, the Marine warship shook violently at this time. However, it was just shaking, and there was no problem. If, now, the three people are driving Shimo's original boat 0.1. At this time, all three of them

All the boats were overturned and photographed into the sea.

"Pop, papa, papa!

Sure enough, after a while, the heavy rain fell

Except for the lights in the cabin, the rest of the space is all black and charming. Can't see anything!

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