My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 621 Quick start

Their purpose is to learn about this sand boat, and then they can smoothly and quickly traverse the entire desert area to Albana.

As for why they have to learn by themselves instead of letting the sand thieves drive them away in a sand boat?

Of course there is a reason

These sand boats can sit two people even with a driver. However, if two people are on board, no matter whether it is the flexibility of the sand boat or the "sixty-seven" or something, it cannot be compared to driving a sand boat by one person.

Sailing speed will only be greatly discounted

Therefore, they want to learn the driving method of this sand boat.

However, now it seems that Xingjiang and Ikapinmu can't be studied anymore. Let these sand thieves take the two of them!

"How? It's almost time to set off!" Shimo saw that the situation was almost complete, and he directed everyone to start sailing in this desert area in a sandboat.

"Okay, let's go!" In fact, the most anxious one here is Tivi, after all, Vitty has to go back to Yangzhi Korza and the rebels led by Korsha enter Albana.

Because this is Crocodile's conspiracy, if the rebels enter Albana at this time, they will really fall into Crocodile's plan.

It is equivalent to these rebels using their lives to invisibly help Crocodile, an enemy they didn't know about.

"You must follow me, sailing in this desert area, it is easy to lose your way. Once you lose your way, you will be completely unable to get out of this desert area." A person is very familiar with this desert area. The sand thief came in front of everyone, one side

He said to everyone while driving his sandboat.

"Okay, we get it!" Everyone replied in unison.

Nami, Vivi and Shimo are all alone driving a sand boat. Zoro and Iqalem were sent by Barubaru

"Go!" Under the leadership of the sand thief who commanded the direction in front, everyone began to sail in one direction.

It is straight, if only relying on Shimo themselves. Only the general direction can be judged by the position of the sun

There will definitely be some deviations. At night, they couldn't leave at all.

Although there are many problems in addition to the above, the most difficult thing is the direction...

Because there is no sun, they are likely to be completely lost, completely wondering where they are going.

"Ugh, so comfortable!" Shimo and the others felt comfortable after they started sailing. After all, this is a desert area, not like the sea, here is the hot sun all the time.

It's not hot, it's not good. However, now that the wind can blow, everyone is naturally very comfortable.

Although this wind is still hot.

Only Nami was not so excited. Because just now, Nami has already felt this hot wind.

Therefore, Nami is prepared for this. Although Nami at the moment is also very enjoyable, but 0.1 is not so excited,

"The speed of this voyage is much faster than on foot!" Zoro sighed.

Although he was carried by the sand thief, he didn't have any burden in his heart.

"Yes, at this sailing speed, we won't be able to go so far in ten days!" Shimo also sighed.

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