My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 901 Report in advance

"Mosimosi!" After putting down the binoculars, Zhan Momomaru turned on the phone bug and made a call to Naval Headquarters.

Zhan Tao Maru didn't want to touch this mold, but for this kind of thing, Zhan Tao Maru still needs to report to Naval Headquarters. Because, then there will be people from Naval Headquarters here.

‘Moximosi! "Soon, someone from Naval Headquarters answered Zhan Momomaru's call.

"Sabaody Archipelago has discovered a large number of supernovae, among them, Naval Headquarters is rushing through the bounty of 200 million supernova Shimo!" Hearing someone answered the call, Zhan Momomaru began to say

"Okay, I see, I'll go and notify Marshal Sengoku right away!" After the Marine soldier who answered the phone call of War Momomaru hung up, he hurried to Sengoku's office.

"Report, Marshal Sengoku!" The Marine soldier saluted and pushed in. However, Marshal Sengoku was not found in the office. "By the way, it seems to be in a meeting today!

So the Marine soldier hurried to the meeting room.

'report! "After a salute, the Marine soldier ran to Sengoku's side in one breath, and then whispered to report," the report to the marshal, Shimo was found in Sabaody Archipelago

It was originally a meeting. Seeing that the Marine soldiers were reporting to Marshal Sengoku, everyone stopped the discussion and waited seriously.

And because of the serious waiting of these people, the Marine soldiers reported the situation to Marshal Sengoku, and they all heard clearly.

‘I see, you go down first! "After listening to the report, Sengoku let the Marine soldier go down.

After the Marine soldier reported the situation, he also ran down and left the meeting room.

If it wasn't for Shimo's situation, Zhan Momomaru had reported it. Marshal Sengoku is in a meeting, and Marine soldiers will not go in so rashly to report the situation.

"So" after seeing the Marine soldiers leaving, Marshal Sengoku looked at the people in the meeting room with a serious face.

'Marshal, these supernovae are too arrogant, let me go over and teach them a lesson! "It’s Admiral Kizaru, one of Naval Headquarters’ three great powers, who speaks slowly, and drinks hot tea while talking.

Kizaru tilted Erlang's legs and looked at Marshal Sengoku. When Marshal Sengoku gave an order, Kizaru would immediately turn into a light and leave here and go to Sabaody Archipelago.

Compared to meeting here, going to Sabaody Archipelago to deal with those supernovae is nothing for Kizaru.

"Porsarino, you can't go!" Sengoku saw Kizaru who was eager to leave, and said seriously.

"Why, there is nothing wrong with staying here!" Kizaru was not happy, he still wanted to go to Sabaody Archipelago, but he was rejected by Marshal Sengoku.

You have other things to do! "Sengoku gave it to (good) Kizaru directly

"Sengoku has already said that, and Kizaru said nothing.

As a result, everyone in the meeting room looked at Sengoku and waited for Sengoku's order.

Recently, this rookie pirate named Shimo has been so ridiculous that he must find someone to cure him. Moreover, Shimo's bounty has risen to 200 million Baileys in a short period of time, and it is also the fastest rising supernova.

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