My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 906 Recover the broken metal arm

"This" Seeing his huge metal arm split in half by Shimo, Kid was a little dumbfounded at the time. He had never encountered anyone who could split his giant metal arm in half so simply and neatly.

However, Kid is not so nervous.

After all, the giant metal arm is wrapped around his two arms.

However, most of the giant metal arms are the outer layer of metal, which was chopped into two pieces by Shimo, but Kid is not particularly affected by Shimo.

"Come here!" Moreover, even with a giant metal arm that was broken in two, Kid had a way.

It was chopped off, not because the magnetism disappeared.

Kid directly moved the two halves of the giant metal arms towards the front, and the two severed metal giant arms flew back towards Kid.

"Swish!" Shimo seems to have expected Kid to have such a trick. When the two broken metal arms were absorbed by Kid’s magnetic force and flew back, Shimo’s Ryūjin Jakka flew back between the two broken metal giants. Two strokes on the arm

"Hey, do you think this is useful, friend?" Kid thought that Shimo didn't expect that he could recover the metal giant arm again and was furious. That's why he cut twice at the metal giant arm recovered by him. The knife.

However, just when Kid recovered these two giant metal arms and reintegrated them on his broken metal giant arm, something unexpected happened.

"Boom, boom!" With two abnormal noises, Kid's two giant metal arms burst apart. Then the metals began to melt, turning into a crimson liquid, and flowing toward the ground.

"Prick, prick!" The crimson liquid was dripping onto the grass. Burn the green grass directly and become withered.

The giant metal arm that was just recovered by Kid melted away.

"Why is this? What the hell is going on?" Kid saw his metal giant arm melt away, of course he was very panicked.

He really didn't understand what was going on

How could it melt for no reason?

"Oh, I see!" Kid suddenly remembered. When he returned from recovering the giant metal arm, Shimo obviously chopped twice on the giant metal arm recovered by him.

Obviously it was these two strokes that caused the metal giant arm to melt.

Looking at Ryūjin Jakka in Shimo's hands, Kid finally understood. The Ryūjin Jakka in Shimo’s hand is still burning at the moment,

He didn't expect that this burning blade had such power

He was able to melt all his metal giant arms,

However, although Kid already understood what was going on, it was already too late.

Because, the continuous high temperature of melting has spread to the remaining half of his giant metal arm. If you let it melt, it is very possible (well) to melt your arms directly.

Naturally, Kid doesn't want this kind of thing to happen. Immediately, Kid shuddered and dropped the entire metal giant arm on his arm.

It’s actually very simple, as long as Kid doesn’t use the ability of magnetic fruit, it’s fine.

"However, the metals that had just hit the ground also made Kid feel that he had made a very wise choice.


No recognition result

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