My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 908 The power of supernova

"It's amazing!" Shimo said to Kid when he saw that his chopping was ineffective.

"Nonsense, of course it has no effect!" Hearing Shimo's surprise, Kid was of course very excited. Because his attack finally had an effect.

"Hey, whoosh!" After seeing the effect finally, Kid won't let go of a single chance, and directly used the metal giant arm to attack Shimo again.

Moreover, the attack this time was even more swift and violent.

Although, this attack was once again blocked by Shimo. Kid made the next attack.

But I was quickly evaded by Shimo-

In this way, Kid doesn’t panic at all

Because, this also shows that their attacks are effective. Since it is an effective attack, of course Kid is even more motivated.

Specifically why this attack was effective, Kid also doesn't know.

However, Kid doesn't want to think so much now. As long as it can attack Shimo, it’s fine. The rest is not important to the current Kid.

"I see how you are hiding!" As he attacked, Kid found that every attack he made was blocked by Shimo or blocked, or avoided.

Moreover, the number of times to avoid is obviously more than the number of times to block.

This made Kid more and more confident. He felt that he could not attack the time. It must be because of the lack of speed and strength.

"This time, I will let you know what cruelty is!" Kid said while increasing the strength and speed on his arm.

Accompanied by a fierce whistling sound, Kid's giant metal arm once again waved towards Shimo.

"It's ridiculous. Didn't this Kid find out that Shimo was playing with him?" In the distance, Zhan Momomaru was waiting for the Naval Headquarters to come, while watching the battle here with binoculars.

Of course, he saw the battle between two people.

Maybe it’s because of the onlookers, Shimo and Kid’s battle, the battle between Tao Maru is very clear, and of course the analysis is also very correct.

"How many is a supernova with a bounty of more than 100 million yuan. At this time, do you still think that you are very powerful?" Zhan Tao Maru continued to complain.

Ask for flowers

Indeed, Kid is a supernova with over 100 million rewards. However, Kid didn't understand that his first combatant, Kira, was also a supernova with a bounty of over 100 million yuan?

Didn't he understand why Kira was kicked by Shimo and fainted?

"Really, it's so funny!" Zhan Momomaru watched the battle between the two, although Kid's fighting style is very savage, and if he faces some Marines, he can easily escape.

However, when facing Shimo, Kid obviously has nothing to fight back.

'finally, I understand! "Zhan Taomaru put down the binoculars, looked at the big axe on the side where he was sitting, and said faintly.

What did Zhan Tao Maru understand?

He understands why Shimo’s bounty can reach 200 million, which is simply too great.

The two supernova Lianqian with a constant gold of over 100 million are not Shimo's opponents at all.

Moreover, he finally understood why Naval Headquarters only required to report when they saw Shimo, but did not say anything else.

This shows that, except Shimo, other supernovae can be released. small


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