My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 917 Tao Free Landing

If the pacifist is successfully developed by the Marine Science Department, that may not necessarily be the case.

After all, the power of a pacifist is not so great. I heard that it was even equipped with the laser beam of Master Kizaru. The bombardment of this laser beam alone is enough for these pirates to suffer.

Moreover, there can be more than one pacifist. There are countless, even Shimo who bounty 200 million Baileys will be beaten to the ground by pacifists.

"Hey!" However, Zhan Tao Maru can only think about it,

After all, these pacifists are still in the research stage.

Although I heard from Master Kizaru, the ones that have been developed are almost the same, and they are about to be put into use. However, it was only heard. 340 At least, Zhan Momomaru hasn’t seen a pacifist yet,

"I'm afraid, Marine is coming at this time?!" Shimo stopped after swinging on the swing for a few times, and said lightly to himself.

When he talked about going to the playground, he felt that someone was watching him

Shimo guessed that it is Marine's person who is likely to monitor him.

And if you monitor yourself without doing it, then you can be sure that this guy is just monitoring himself

It is estimated that Naval Headquarters has already been recited, and Naval Headquarters must have also sent someone.

As for why Shimo knew, Naval Headquarters was notified, and Naval Headquarters sent someone?

Of course it’s because Sabaody Archipelago is not very far from Naval Headquarters Marineford.

‘Momousagi Vice Admiral, here it is, this is Sabaody Archipelago! "At this time, a Marine warship has docked on the shore of Sabaody Archipelago.

"Okay, get off the boat!" After putting the board in place, Tao Mian was the first to get off the boat and set foot on the land of Sabaody Archipelago.

‘Guck, grumble!

The characteristic bubbles on Sabaody Archipelago still continue to pop up.

"This place is still so cozy!" Momousagi walked on the grass of Sabaody Archipelago, sighing involuntarily

Before, Tao Mian had come to Sabaody Archipelago to do business. However, the (cbdi) thing that time was a little bit of a mess.

The trivial things are easy to handle,

Therefore, Tao Mian can play well on Sabaody Archipelago.

However, this time, Momousagi revisited the old place.

However, it is not here to enjoy the scenery here.

"Let's go, let's go!" After seeing the Marine soldiers alight from the warship, Domom led the Marine soldiers toward the depths of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Tao Mian's Vice Admiral cloak also shook in the breeze.

Well, it looks so majestic.

"Heavy news, heavy news!"

"Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral free, landed in Sabaody Archipelago!"

The pirates on the Sabaody Archipelago discovered Momousagi’s arrival for the first time.

All of a sudden, the pirates who heard the news panicked.

Of course, those supernovas did not panic too much. After all, as the best in one sea area, they naturally still have arrogant emotions.

If only a Vice Admiral from Naval Headquarters landed on the island, they would panic what they would be like, and how would they establish prestige.

However, they still don’t want in their hearts, this Momousagi Vice Admiral comes to find themselves

No one wants to be impeled down in the deep sea prison so quickly.


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