My Zanpakutō Can Stop Time

Chapter 957 Fire Vine

"Huoteng!" The sixty-four ice blades flew towards him in all directions. Shimo is just a simple defense, which is definitely not enough. He used Ryūjin Jakka to draw a circle around him.

Then, a circle of flames appeared around him and surrounded him.

"Teng, Teng, Teng!" These ice blades melted directly after touching the flames around Shimo.

There is no way to wear these flames!

Of course, this is also because these flames are from the Ryūjin Jakka that covers Armament Haki. Because Armament Haki's coverage directly increased the flame above Ryūjin Jakka by more than one level.

After all, Shimo’s Ryūjin Jakka is top-notch

470 At this time, if you use it, you must also use the top Armament Haki.

The opponent is Aokiji Admiral, one of Naval Headquarters’ three highest combat powers. It’s really not easy.

"Huh?" Aokiji frowned slightly after seeing the flames around Shimo.

Of course he did not expect that Shimo would actually use this ability to defend against his own ice attack.

However, Aokiji just frowned. He didn't say anything, he wanted to see if Shimo's circle of flames could defend his Wanbing.

The reason why Aokiji thinks like this is of course also because of Aokiji’s Ten Thousand Ice Attack, but it is getting more and more fierce.

After reaching a certain number, the number is not so simple to increase. Naturally, it will be much more powerful in terms of power.

And just after the flames around Shimo melted all the 64 ice blades of Wanbing, the 128 ice blades produced by Wanbing were also produced again.

Of course, with so many, Shimo can’t count at all, and Shimo is too lazy to count.

However, it should be that number if it is doubled every time.

"Stab, stab!" Although the number increased, it didn't affect Shimo's surrounding flames to melt these ice blades.

Accompanied by the sound of piercing, these ice blades melted completely when they touched the circle of flames around Mo (cbdi).

"Hey, hey!" Then, more pairs of ice blades flew towards Shimo from all directions.

Moreover, it seems that there is no gap. Just before these ice blades flew out to attack Shimo, more ice blades came out and flew towards Shimo at the same time.

Then, before what happened, more ice blades came out.

Countless ice blades flew to Shimo in dense clusters.

Shimo's surroundings were already surrounded by these ice blades.

Very spectacular,

When it came into contact with the flames surrounding Shimo, the ice blade melted and turned into water vapor.

More ice blades flew over.

Then it melted again.

At this time, Shimo seemed to notice something strange again.

That is, because of the need to melt these ice blades, the temperature of the flames around him seems to be a little bit low. Even, some ice blades did not melt completely when they were touched, and even went deeper.

This means that if this continues, the flames surrounding Shimo may be extinguished by these ice blades.

If this circle of flame around me is extinguished, I am afraid I will be pierced by these ice blades directly!


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