Myriad Paths

Chapter 1003 Spiritual Path

Li Qi asked Wu Xian directly, what exactly does Wu Xian want?

Even if you want to work for nothing, you have to give a goal.

And judging from Wu Xian's appearance, it is likely that this thing is also a creation of another first-grade.

The first-grade of the spiritual path... I have never seen it.

Wu Xian certainly would not hide this, but that thing is obviously indescribable in words, so he began his own performance.

In his demonstration, Li Qi saw something mysterious.

If it is likened to a sound, then this sound is so clear and vivid that it makes the listener stand still.

It seems that the concept of the universe is making a deep low hum. This beautiful singing sound is intertwined with crisp sighs. It must be the cry of the first day of the birth of the God of All Things, and it is the unconscious cry of the original God after his birth.

When this sound is made, the whole universe must be reverberating with the symphony of creation, and finally leaving the reverberation of creation such as baryonic acoustic oscillation.

This pure and wonderful declaration is so shocking.

Similarly, if it is likened to a picture, its visual perfection is even more amazing. It is a perfect pattern that can never appear in reality.

How to say it... the 'red' in reality is not so pure. There are other colors mixed between each red. This is because the substance itself is not pure. The wavelength of light will change due to various reasons. Therefore, the red in a painting cannot have only one wavelength. It can only be said to barely reach the level of 'similar'.

It's just that the observation accuracy of ordinary people is not enough, so it is not easy to see. For powerful people like Li Qi, they have very high requirements for the accuracy of the picture.

However, in this picture scroll, the red is so standard, without any mixed colors, it is so pure, and the wavelengths of all light are exactly the same.

The geometric figures in it are the same, standard, perfect, and patterns that can never appear in the real world.

Penrose triangle, Euclidean three-dimensional manifold, Necker cube, the real 'circle', realizes infinite pi.

What is that state?

Whether it is the sound or the pattern, they are things that only exist in the 'concept'.

The concept is perfect, but the reality is imperfect.

Reality is just a poor imitation of the idea.

The root of the world is the ‘idea’, an objective and self-existent law, an absolute standard.

Spiritual existence is higher than material existence, because matter is mortal, while spiritual ideas are eternal and immortal like mathematics.

Real tangible things are the sharing and imitation of ideas, and are inferior to ideas.

What is presented to Li Qi at this moment is pure and absolute.

Real things are inferior and it is difficult to leave a real mark.

Although in this world, matter and spirit alternate in certain things, in the spiritual picture that Li Qi sees, this argument is completely short-sighted and superficial.

Matter is only temporary, transitional, and destined to stop.

Perhaps it seems that the sun is the master, just as matter is the master, and you can see the brilliant sunshine. The light of the sun is absolute, and shadows and darkness do not exist, but are impurities between the sun and something.

But under this appearance, matter itself will inevitably "decay", and the changes of matter will slowly accumulate and die over time. Therefore, the end of all matter is gray, eternal cold and darkness. For creatures living in matter, change is real, and eternity is an illusion and a lie.

Although these lives always instinctively imagine that matter and various possibilities will burn in eternal darkness like the sun.

However, for the dark universe, the sun is just a candlelight. One day, the candle will burn out, the sun will be exhausted, and then the eternal darkness will return.

This is the destined future of ordinary material creatures. The sun is a phenomenal entity. It exists, so it will definitely end its existence. Therefore, the sun itself is tragic.

If every phenomenal entity disappears from the universe, there will be nothing in the world.

Therefore, for these lives living in the material world, they are fundamentally tragic, because it is temporary and must end its existence. Its existence itself means stopping existence, which is the root of all tragedies.

But spirit and ideas are not like this.

The existence of spirit and ideas proves the non-existence of tragedy.

Because, without change and death, strictly speaking, there is no tragedy.

There is no tragedy in the universe. The reason why all things in the world are tragic is because they are afraid of death.

But for spirit and ideas, the sun will always shine brightly, no matter how many clouds block it, it will always shine brightly. Therefore, whether it is decay or death, there is nothing to be afraid of. Under the sunshine of ideas, even death is full of sunshine, and sunshine will never end.

Under the sunshine of ideas, the world is endless, such a surge will not stop, and its waves are unstoppable, scattering the seeds of life every year, taking root on the ground, leaving the possibility of youth.

Thus, matter is governed by ideas.

Compared with the concept, the "material" that is tormented by reality is just the back of that beautiful and beautiful picture. Compared with the concept, it pales in comparison. At best, it can convey its meaning, but it is difficult to reproduce its perfect posture and condition.

Li Qi witnessed everything that Wu Xian wanted to show in his performance.

Then he sighed: "It's really... quite nihilistic."

"But they do exist, don't they? They are similar to the magic path. They all believe that the world is a spiritual existence. The only difference is that they do not think that they are the only spirit." Wu Xian replied.

For the spiritual path, they recognize the primacy of the spirit, but it is different from the magic path.

The magic path believes that it is the absolute will, the world is an extension of its own will, and self-consciousness itself is the interpretation of this world. When you open your eyes, the flowers bloom, and when you close your eyes, the flowers are silent. I am the reason for the existence of the world, and the world cannot exist alone without me.

This concept has created the lawless appearance of the magic path. Although there are all kinds of people in the magic path, and there are not a few good people among them, even if they are people, under this "only me" concept, it is difficult for them to get along with other things.

The Spiritual Way is similar to the Demonic Way, and also believes that the world is spiritual, but they recognize the objective existence of "spirit" and "concept".

Nature, life, society, civilization and all other things are the externalization and embodiment of these objective spirits and concepts in their movement and change.

This concept is the essence and core of the real world. It develops spontaneously and covers everything. Spirit is not only the product of human consciousness, but also the driving force of social history and natural development.

"Tao" is such a concept. Using this concept, reality can be changed.

In the view of the Demonic Way, the highest point of the spirit is will, and the will of the self will be the only place where the spirit exists.

But in everything shown by the Spiritual Way, the highest point of the spirit is not self-consciousness, but a kind of "concept" that exists widely between heaven and earth. This "concept" is both a rule and reality itself.

Just like the saying: "The statue is already in the stone, I just remove the unnecessary parts."

Or: "The article is natural, and the hand of the master is the result of chance."

These things are invisible and immortal as ideas. What the material does is just a poor imitation. No matter how clever the craftsman is, he cannot carve something as beautiful as the idea on the stone.

But they can improve their craftsmanship and make their carvings as "conform to the idea" as possible, so that the sculptures will appear more and more beautiful, which is called "skill close to the Tao".

The idea is the Tao.

This is also true for people.

Even if someone looks fat, but may be thin inside, have you ever thought that there is a thin person inside every fat person? As someone said, there is a statue in every stone.

If we separate this matter from fatness and thinness, can we understand that everyone has a "real self" in their body, and that self is hidden in the "stone" of the material body?

So, as a Taoist, what you need to do is to "remove the unnecessary parts".

Dig out the ideal self from the material shell.

Find out the ‘natural concept’ and turn yourself from messy words into ‘art’.

Wu Xian said to Li Qi: “What I want is the absolute spirit forged by the first-grade spiritual path. This is the same level as the desire realm and the colorless realm. Only such things can be exchanged for the desire realm.”

Li Qi nodded: “I understand, then please wait for Wu Shen, but I have a question. After all, the desire realm was taken from me by Wu Shen. Is it okay to give me some preferential treatment?”

“Okay, I can promise you. I will definitely give it to you under the same conditions.” Wu Xian agreed.

Li Qi could only sigh, and then he left Wu Shen Mountain.

Almost the next moment, Li Qi arrived at the North Pole.

The North Pole is where the spiritual path is.

This was once the home of the Arctic demon tribe, but the Arctic demon tribe did not go to the demon path in the end, but went in the direction of the spiritual path. In the end, the Arctic demon tribe disappeared, and then the ‘spirits’ appeared.

Why are there such terms as ‘soul’ and ‘true spirit’?

Because, the current true spirit and soul are actually developed by Lingdao. In the ancient times many, many years ago, all living beings did not have true spirits.

Their thinking is completely rooted in the thinking organ, such as the human nervous system. Destroying this will also destroy the mind itself.

Later, Lingdao developed the thing called "spirit", which extracted thinking and spirit from the rotten stone of "material body", and achieved "removing the unnecessary parts".

This is very powerful.

In ancient times, Lingdao can be said to have promoted the birth of the result of "longevity" in one fell swoop. Now many longevity methods, such as the Yangshen method of Taoism, and many out-of-body methods, are the research results of Lingdao.

Arriving at the North Pole, Li Qi looked around.


Hmm? All of them, natives?

How to describe the surrounding scenery, it is just like the outside world.

Yes, it is no problem to say that it is outside the domain.

Li Qi stood on the Arctic Ocean, looking at the coastline in the distance.

Under a thin layer of snow, those coastlines with deathly gray gradually emerged from his eyes.

On the distant horizon, a ray of sunset illuminates the cold sky. The stars are faint, but the lighthouse shines even brighter, like a signal. This is the lighthouse at the westernmost corner of the Arctic.

"It's not a spiritual path, it's a stowaway from outside the territory." Li Qi just glanced at it and already knew the specific situation of the people living here.

If Li Qi wants to, he only needs to look twice more to see these places clearly. This is the power of true knowledge, but now Li Qi is not willing to abuse true knowledge.

True knowledge is one of the eyes of the demon, so forget it, and compared to that, Li Qi is more willing to use a more ordinary way to understand the specific conditions of the Arctic Spiritual Way.

So, he gathered his strength, stepped on the water, and walked to the shore.

There is a formation restriction on the shore, which should be set up to prevent intruders, so Li Qi did not force his way in, but shouted outside: "Open the door! Someone is coming!"

At this time, a dozen people emerged from the formation. They looked at Li Qi and said, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I'm from Wushen Mountain. I came here to collect information. I want to come here to see the details. It's paid." Li Qi didn't hide anything, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and made it clear about the car. Ma, and then also proposed a seventh-grade magic weapon.

He pinched it on the spot.

Although he doesn't go everywhere to promote himself as a powerful person, Li Qi doesn't like to engage in the kind of drama where he pretends to be a mortal but is fooled by others.

Just showing the identity of Wu Shen Shan can scare away a lot of people.

As expected, this group of obvious stowaways immediately became intimidated as soon as they heard Li Qi's identity and took a look at the magic weapon he proposed.

It's not just cowardly, but also flattering.

Because the aura on Li Qi's body cannot be faked, it is indeed the aura from the great lineage of the world.

In other words, if Li Qi cheated, then... it means that Li Qi at least has the ability to make them invisible. At this time, it is better not to provoke him.

So, they put away their weapons and said: "Senior, I'm sorry, this is for safety reasons. I hope you understand. What investigation do you want to do?"

"I'm here to see what life in the Arctic is like, and to explore how to get along with the spiritual world. But you probably won't understand, so you just need to entertain me. I have no ill intentions towards you." Li Qi said.

After saying this, he directly threw the seventh-grade magic weapon over, penetrating the formation and restrictions.

Obviously, if things can pass, Li Qi can also pass.

As a result, these stowaways immediately opened their formations.

They don't want to drink wine as a penalty if they don't eat the toast.

So Li Qi walked in.

As you can see, this place is indeed full of stowaways.

There is definitely more than one settlement like this on the Arctic continent in the world.

Lingdao seems to have no management here. (End of chapter)

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