Myriad Paths

Chapter 1009 What Wu Xian wants

"Who is it?" Li Qi immediately expanded his perception of the surroundings.

Something is wrong.

With Li Qi's strength, there is actually someone who can catch him?

At the moment of perception expansion, the time around him began to flow backwards.

Li Qi appeared in the 'past', before he was caught.

However, at the time before he was caught, he was also caught.

In other words, the other party also has the ability to cross time and space.

It's normal. If you dare to stop and catch Li Qi, ordinary third-grade people are not qualified. At least they must be second-grade.

But if it's a second-grade, Li Qi is a little curious, why don't he feel anything at all?

Even if the other party is incredibly strong, Li Qi's sixth sense may even be aroused by the arrival of the first-grade, so how can he feel nothing?

As a second-grade, Li Qi is already a powerful person in this universe. Those who are on par with him must be four phases, or dragon kings, or even karma demons and heart demons.

To be honest, as long as it's not the first-grade who takes action personally, Li Qi can walk sideways in this universe without any problem. This is also his confidence.

But... this sudden "hand" made Li Qi alert.

After discovering that the reversal of time and space was ineffective, Li Qi's power suddenly expanded!

A second-grade in his prime showed all his power at this moment.

Time and space were turbulent, and even the "concept" itself began to waver.

The influence from another "will" began to force the concept in the pure mind to decay and no longer eternal.

That was... "devil thought".

Don't forget that Li Qi is a "demon child".

In Li Qi's view, the superiority of the spirit path is not based on their strength, but on the imagination of the mind.

The spirit path obviously believes that compared with other existences in the world, they belong more to the essence, so they are more noble and can restrain themselves.

He is the spirit path, the concept itself, and is eternal and immortal. They must be able to control themselves. They live in the never-destroying concept of self-restraint and refuse to be confused with any vulgar and decadent things.

Then isn't this... a huge devil thought?

This kind of devil thought is in front of Li Qi, of course, he has to grab it.

The so-called eternity is nothing but decay.

The contradictions between concepts, the so-called changes and possibilities born from them, are nothing but established fatalism.

Li Qi had already rejected this fatalism.

Starting from this direction, Li Qi's evil thoughts spread in all directions, invading every "bubble" he could see, and invading those immortal concepts.

At this moment...

Li Qi noticed that the "concepts" around him began to "evolve".

How do concepts evolve? In fact, it is very simple. All concepts can evolve into "reality".

Because there is the concept of "mountain", there will be a continuous mountain-building movement.

Because there is the concept of "beauty", there will be a statue in the stone, and poetry will be produced in the accumulation of words.

For example, suppose: human genes are "concepts", then, are genes people?

It is obvious that genes are not people, and there is no relationship between genes and people at all.

However, the idea itself contains all the information for developing into a human being. Although it is spiritual in nature, it can "develop into matter".

The formula for generating various proteins, the screening mechanism for combining proteins, the design drawings of various ion pumps, and the construction methods of countless cells are all stored in the "gene".

When the "gene" develops into an embryo, and the embryo further becomes a "human", the spirit and the idea also exist in the mind of the "human".

At this moment, the idea has achieved the unity of matter and spirit.

Is the DNA contained in the fertilized egg the "spirit"?

Then, the embryo has undergone the first division, the cells are increasing, the relationship between cells is more complicated, and the human embryo is gradually formed, and the spirit and matter begin to unfold.

This is "self-expansion".

The idea itself can be self-expanded and self-realized. When the "idea" leaves the "bubble", it will spontaneously begin to form everything.

The idea itself is the unity of thinking and existence. There is no need to search and separate the mind and matter, and it does not conflict with reality.

So, at this moment, the spiritual way unfolded itself.

The shrunken bubble showed its edges and corners.

The poem of the concept began to be chanted. In the half-bright and half-dark nothingness, it seemed that there were stars jumping in it. These stars jumped into the hazy morning light, and then suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, a tense, uncompromising, pure opinion appeared.

There was no hesitation, no empty groan.

The world expanded here, and the heavens were born! Another thing equal to the real universe was "hatched" at this moment!

Li Qi found himself bound. The "Tao" and "rules" that had never existed were hatched by the concept at this moment, and he, as a foreign substance in the pure heavens, was rejected!

Just like a drop of oil surrounded by water, it was involuntarily discharged from the water.

Including the evil thoughts spread by Li Qi, they were also pushed away.

Li Qi witnessed the process from nothing to something in this moment. At that moment, the development of the concept formed the ‘reality’, and the split of reality formed matter. Matter was materialized by quality. Then, the materialized matter began to ‘combine’, and finally gave birth to ‘life’, and life gave birth to will.

The consciousness of these lives developed, and they recognized the concept in their own consciousness, so the concept began to evolve in his consciousness, and so on and so forth, so constantly developing, constantly self-realizing, and constantly nesting to form an endless cycle of reincarnation.

So perfect, so flawless.

It takes itself as the object, it itself is the object, and within it, all logics are gathered together and become one.

It itself is the unity of objectivity and cognition, it takes itself as the object, that is, thought itself thinks about itself, there is no subject and object, everything is so unified.

It has infinite possibilities, all-encompassing, but self-contained ‘bubble’.

Li Qi was pushed away, but the next moment, all of this ‘decayed’.

The bubble closed again.

Li Qi opened his eyes, and all around him... was the Arctic.

The top of the mountain was shrouded in mist, the sky was filled with endless gray clouds, the ground was permafrost, but there were still some strong buds sprouting here.

The raindrops kept falling, and the raindrops fell obliquely into the mountains. The colors of the land and trees were mixed together. There were patterns of different shades of coniferous forests, tree trunks, peat and mountain walls, and some unknown deep purple, and the distant row of mountain peaks were silvery white snow.

Nothing has changed in this barren land of the Arctic.

In front of him, there was also Beijia, who had figured out everything before and decided to accept everything and leave.

Here, time did not move forward for a second.

However, everything Li Qi had experienced before disappeared, and he could no longer perceive the world of "ideas".

"Wow... Is this, rejected?" Li Qi shook his head, revealing a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Lingdao did nothing to him, just pushed him away, showed his power in front of him, and then closed himself off, unwilling to have any contact with Li Qi again.

As Li Qi said before, this is the "superiority" of Lingdao.

Lingdao will not do anything to himself.

They will not be hostile to themselves, because this is also part of the "superiority" of Lingdao.

Lingdao is too superior and disdains to do anything to Li Qi.

The world itself is inferior, there is no need to care about things in the mortal world.

If Li Qi wants to disturb them, then drive Li Qi away, that's all.

But... just this one contact, Li Qi has seen what Wu Xian wants.

What Wu Xian wants is the concept of "self-expansion" itself.

Only this thing can be equal to the value of "desire realm".

At the moment when the concept unfolds itself, there is indeed something equivalent to the "real universe", and the desire realm itself is also equivalent to the real universe.

This is Li Qi's goal. If he gets this, he can exchange the desire realm with Wu Xian.

There is just one question...

What on earth was the hand that held Li Qi before? Li Qi has not caught the other party yet.

Also, Li Qi now seems to have no way to contact the world of Lingdao, and he has been completely rejected by Lingdao.

He already knows why this world has almost no struggle with Lingdao.

This thing is really not easy to fight, and they seem to think that they have no Dao struggle to speak of, because they are free and perfect, and there is no need to fight for anything.

So how can they contact Lingdao again, or even get those unfolding concepts?

With Lingdao's attitude, dealing with them is complicated no matter how you look at it.

People who have no desires are the most troublesome.

Li Qi fell into deep thought.

However, the next moment, he immediately raised his head and shouted to Beijia's back: "Wait."

Beijia heard this and looked back at the dream he had been chasing for a long time.

"You have been chasing me for so long, and now it seems that you have realized something. Do you want to... be by my side and see more with me?" Li Qi said to Beijia.

"See more? What else is there to see?" Beijia did not agree, but asked Li Qi.

"The world is far more than the North Pole, and the universe is far more than the world. Do you want to see it?" Li Qi asked.

"No." Beijia shook his head: "Thousands of landscapes, in the end, are just similar things. What kind of flowers can there be? In the end, just looking at a mountain is enough."

"A very good idea." Li Qi commented. He has seen the feeling of "living alone" in Lingdao in Beijia.

This is because of Li Qi.

He chased Li Qi, and finally found that he was never chasing Li Qi.

He chased the phantom in his heart.

Since he was chasing the phantom in his heart from the beginning, why bother about what Li Qi looks like?

Similarly, when you look at the scenery, you are not actually looking at the scenery itself.

During your journey, the "scenery" you imagine may be more beautiful than the moment you actually see it.

Waiting is often more touching than getting.

You ordered a feast that you could never afford normally. Half an hour before the feast was served, you might feel happier than when you actually ate it.

Because what you were expecting was not the feast itself, but the phantom of the feast in your heart.

In that case... aren't all the feasts in the world the same phantom?

Are all the beautiful scenery in the world also the same phantom?

Beautiful scenery is one, delicious food is another, so the expectation of other beautiful things is also the same phantom, and it is also a phantom in your heart.

In that case, why bother pursuing those? Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

So, from the beginning, just pursue the 'phantom' in your heart, and let that 'phantom' spontaneously develop into what you want to pursue in your heart, isn't that enough?

Since all perceptions have become part of the phantom when they enter your heart, why bother looking for things outside the phantom in your heart?

Beijia chased Li Qi's back, and worked so hard all his life, and the answer he finally got also satisfied him.

His heart was like a big glass bubble, and he was in its transparent film. Looking outside through the glass bubble, he felt vague, but it was better to be inside the glass bubble, which was so clear and distinguishable.

I let them go, I led them here, and I couldn't let them go.

It can be judged that Beijia believes that all things happen not by chance, and people's fate is caused by themselves.

Therefore, there is no need to turn your head and look around all the time, just look for answers from your side, then the rest of your life will be spent in peace and will not be disturbed.

Li Qi looked at Beijia in front of him and suddenly felt a little absurd.

Can the Taoism with this attitude also develop into the nine lands in the world? How did they change the universe?

However, when this thought came up, Li Qi felt a sense of absurdity.

Of course they can change the universe.

Because they themselves are part of the universe, which is also part of the contradiction of the universe. The essence of all things comes from themselves, that is to say, the concept itself is the same.

The way they change the universe is to let the ideas develop and unfold themselves, and they only need to observe those "a priori" things gradually taking shape.

There is no need to interfere, and there is no dispute, because the ideas are destined to be perfect in themselves, just waiting for the time to unfold.

It can even be said that the disputes in the outside world are the process of the ideas being self-contradictory and self-developing.

Facing such an attitude of Lingdao, Li Qi couldn't help but have a headache.

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